Does Anyone Know Where I Can Fill My Oxycodone 30's From Tampa To Hernando (Page 2) (Top voted first)
Updatedneed a pharmacy to fill my script in tampa florida or nearby. my prescription is oxycodone 30's,I get 180 of them.I also have insurance and hear places are only taking cash.My appointment is tomorrow,3/23...please help!!
this is ridiculous ive been looking for mine since 26 walgreens told me they didnt have them and as i was walking out they got the guy behind me script and i pay cas.does anyone know where i can find them cheap im on a fixed income and cant afford to pay 3 a pill i take mine im not a dealer that can afford to pay tht much
going crazy third day looking where to get my oxycodene 30mg filled been to over 40 pharmacies...plz need help finding a pharm. last month a mom and pop charged me 900 bux to get a 180 script filled i cant do that again. im in tampa hillsborough county. thanxx
hey really need help with a pharmacy on day three cant get my 30 mg oxycodene script filled and im sick. last month i paid 900 bux at a mom and pop to fill a 180 script i really cant do that again. im in tampa hillsborough county..if anyone knows where i can fill my legit script..thanx
Luv u great response
i am going on monday 12/12/11 does anyone know where i can get my roxys 30mg filled please let me know in tampa thanks
Thank You!!! This is the reason Florida is having such a problem. All you out of state people coming by the car load and bus load from what I hear. Going to as many as 5 doctors and pharmacies. Now the people living here can't get our medicine. Stay in your own state!!! It makes me sick.
Is Ryan from the North // maybe Ryan needs to be updated on the fact that Yankees move to Florida when they retire and therefore the elderly that suffer from severe pain end up in Florida even though they worked their entire lives up North - the pill mill issue is nationwide WAKE UP RYAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have seen this advertised on the table in the waiting room of my Docs office. This was from the Pharm next door.
I am in the same boat as everyone else in Tampa. I just walked into my Pharm and was told this is the last month we will carrty oxy 30's. Walk-ins asking for them has spooked the people there into feeling they are going to get held up. Great, what now?
Everyone needs to call, e-mail, fax, mail a letter to their perspective legistalors because they are the ones creating this nightmare ... the more stories they hear about the more apt they are to make changes and at least get Oxycodone available for those that have legal scripts - this is a political issue - there is NO shortage - the government has hauled the manufacturing of this medication - it's important that we stand up and tell them why our loved ones must have this medication and that we will follow all the rules but we must have the pain medication ... you can join a group on Facebook called "American Pain Association" - one person cannot do much but together we could do a LOT to make this RIGHT ... please join the American Pain Association ... please call your senator ... make your voice heard ...
If you click on the link below you will be able to sign a petition to end this problem with obtaining pain medication and it also gives you a sample letter to send to your legislators and also has a link to add it to your facebook page to get more signatures. If someone you love is suffering in pain and cannot get their medications filled please help them and all others suffering the same fate by participating -
Denying chronic pain patients to fill their medications needs to be dealt with politically. Please send e-mails to Florida's attorney general, your senator, and congressman. If there is going to be a change it has to start somewhere ... tell them your story and how this has affected your life ... it takes more than one person to let them know that this is a serious problem ... I have already sent e-mails to 8 different government officials including Governor Rick Scott and I do not plan to stop until my dad can fill his prescriptions without a problem and I hope you guys will join me in this battle ...
I am in the same boat. You canoty call, you must walk into each and every Pharm to only be told we cannot get those. I would love to know as well if you find a place. Best wishes.
Does anyone know where to fill oxycodiene 30 mg in Tampa Florida Aug 2012
i have gone one week with out my meds that whole time i was sick with stomach pain and spitting up and also coming out the other way...Not a pretty sight,for a grown women ,how has to to do her daily routine.Like shop and also go to other doctor appointment ..If there is help out there please help..susanpepe
I'm writing from the baptist hospital in the sw MIAMI FLORIDA, i am in a great deal of pain due to a c-2 fusion also known as the hangman fracture. Im allergic to aspirin and recently i have had my liver enzymes and they have been farely high. Im currently prescribed 10mg lortabs and I need to find a doctor who will write for oxycodone ir 30mg 4 times a day. Can someone please refer me to a doctor I would greatly appreciate it, anywhere preferably in the kendall area.
HEY could you please give me your doctors name i really need a good pain specialist thank you
Hey Mike do you know any PM in Florida I can visit that accepts out of state. patients
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