Does Amoxicillin Go Bad With Age? (Page 8) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI bought 100 amoxicillin caps about 3 years ago and stored them in a dark place and I was curious if they would still be good to take.
Re: kristen (# 4)
I always have some on hand too, only because I need to take it prior to dental appointments.
Re: kristen (# 4)
You're rude and probably young.....not everyone can afford to buy meds. If you don't know what you're talking about....keep your mouth shut!
I have some 500 caps that expired in June 2017. I just need to use them for a week for a UTI. They should still be good right.
You are a very smart 11 year old!
You are a very smart eleven year old keep it up
I accidentally took three year old amocicillan. It gave me awful diharhea. My a**hole flamed for days. Only take it if u have like seven rolls of tp and a titanium anus.
I know this crazy, my cat hard fatty sebaceous tumor, it's growing, it's hard and And looks like a cauliflower. The problem is is that I have to keep her neck wrap because it's becoming infected and the vet does't think that is cancerous, I don't have the money to have cut off, when I went To the vet I
did get some and get some amoxicillin for her and they gave way too much.Do you think liquid amoxicillin Would still be good after three weeks? I think the infection is making her sick. It's not the Medicine that is expensive it's, the Vet appointments that are expensive, so I'm just trying to save money by using the same amoxicillin. I have to give her something.
Publix doesn't charge for some medications. Ammoxicilin is free of charge there.
Antibiotics should never have any "left overs" your doctor prescribes them and they should allways be taken at the appropriate times untill they are all gone.
So, in the name of frugality you would risk yourself a bigger, antibiotic resistant infection? The longer you have these drugs the less effective they become. The infection builds a resistance to these drugs if they are not delivered in the proper dosage. Unless you went to medical school and graduated, I suggest you leave your opinions to yourself, and the medical advice for the properly educated, and licensed people to dispense.
actually yogurt has penicilian in it; its not going to kill any one just wont be affective. I had an absess tooth; i ended up with about 4 days left on the antibiotic and my dentist told to stop the use since the absess was gone just needed to get back in to have that tooth removed. I of course didnt have insurance and no money so i ended up with another absess on the left side so im finish the antibiotic she gave me. Plus i have had an upper respirtory infection so the pills will help with that as well. Anything with penicillian in it is good because it clears up the bacteria infections. I would say Take the antibiotic at your own risk....risk it might not do anything and chance it will. I dont go to the doctor for every lil pitty thing and if i had an infection amoxicillan will clear it up.
Hey number 18, this place wasn't made to slander video games. Take it to the Video Game Hater's forum. Nobody should ever take medication that has been prescribed to them in any other manner, intake method (oral, intramuscular/subcutaneous injection, patch, inhalation, topical, etc), or dosage that was prescribed. Any medication left over should be destroyed, unless it is over the counter in nature and not yet expired. Self diagnosing should only be considered if you are a trained healthcare professional, and even in that case you should still seek outside care as your own judgement may impede your ability to treat yourself. Never take medications that are prescribed for someone else, expired, designed to treat a condition you do not have, etc. You will only make things worse for yourself and put unnecessary strain on your healthcare system.
Antibiotics have to be all taken as prescribed bc the bacteria will evolve and be resistant to the antibiotic if it is exposed to just enough to cure symptoms, if all is taken the bacteria is killed. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!!!!!
I my self just finished a coarse full of amoxicillin and went to the doc again and her prescribed me more and can't afford another $20 yet my husband has a prescription from 2011 just not sure if it's okay or not to take
There are very few reasons to have any type of penicillin "leftover" or in storage. You SHOULD finish ALL penicillin that is prescribed to you for the exact reason that Steph (#13 above states) .. not taking it ALL hurts YOU and the rest of us because you create a situation that will allow the strongest bacteria to live on. TAKE IT ALL - do NOT save the rest for the future just because you took 4 of a 10 day prescription and are feeling better. Yes you may "get by" but chances are it'll cost you MORE in the long run.
When you have small children the amount of amoxicillian you receive is more than you should give them. So I have had several cases where I have half a bottle left over after their 10 days of prescribed doses. It says to discard unused medicine, but I hate dumping any drugs down the drain. However, I'm not sure how comfortable I would be self diagnosing my child and giving them the "left-overs" at a future date. But it is possible to have left-over drugs after taking the prescribed amount for the full duration of the infection.
It CAN go bad and taking it three years past the expiration date CAN be dangerous, do NOT take it. It's possible it even has a rank odor at this point if you give it a smell test, taking it now could very well do more harm than good.
don't use it. amoxicillin goes bad a year from when you bought it.
Don't use the amoxicillin. It is past its expiration date for sure. Antibiotics are not expensive so get some new ones. You can actually go online and order new amoxicillin and you generally don't need a prior prescription or insurance to order.
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