Doctors Willing To Prescribe Oxycodone In Phoenix (Page 6)
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Please please please someone direct me to a doctor who will listen and prescribe the amount of oxycodone my son needs. Pain management clinics are a joke and fall short of what we know will keep him comfortable until they can do the therapy or procedures that may be able to get him out of pain so he doesn't have to take it. He only needs 60 mg a day in 4 15 mg doses. That is what we've found works and makes it so he doesn't get sick from the meds and is out of the considerable pain he is in. He can't work because they won't give him enough to function. I have spent so much money I dont have to take care of him! He has Ahccs healthcare coverage! They only give him 3 10mg pills a day which falls short of the care he needs and is in so much pain. I am at my wits end! We are in Gilbert Arizona and need a doctor who will listen to the patient so we can pursue the other surgical and therapy options! He has a degenerative disc problem.

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Please someone tell me a doctor in AZ Phoenix area that will write me oxycodone! Went to urgent care and was givin 10 5 mg pills. Have carpal tunnel records in MI and was written 30 5 mg pills a month but that is enough for 3 days wen pain keeps me up!

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Hello, my dad just moved here from the Midwest and he has been on pain meds for like 20 years. He's up for refill this weekend and my fear is if I can't get him into a pain doctor quick he will just go back to the Midwest where he knows he will get his medicine right away. Too much to message but myself and all my sister's want them to stay here for health reasons. Can you share with me the names of doctors who prescribe pain meds here in Arizona that are good and compassionate?

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Every doctor in the state of Arizona is cutting their patients back because the DEA is now forcing them to stop writing 30 milligram oxycodone. You would be extremely lucky to find a doctor that will actually prescribe those

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I am moving there and need a doctor. I have an mri and have been seeing pain management since 2012.

{edited for privacy}

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I'm 51yrs old and have a form of RA, its called inflammatory polyarthritis. It affects the same 2 joints at the same time. I have had 5 shoulder surgeries, both shoulders have anchors. My elbows, wrists, hands, knees and ankle are affected. I need a pain doctor who will help me in phoenix az or surrounding area. My last pain management is under investigation for insurance fraud for trying to force me to take injections in my back when my back wasn't my problem. So they didn't want me as a patient. Can't make money off office visits. I need help asap. I have insurance or will pay cash.

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Hi! I came back home to Arizona and my pain management is cutting me down to 120 of 30 mg where I was on 180 a month. Now she's dropping me down ten a month until I get to 90! At that time she's going to put me on 180 15 mg and dropping me from there! I finally found where I was living a better live and doing things with my family with less pain and now it's all going down hill again! Please help with a doctor to at least stay where I was or at least at the 120 a month. The 30 we found are the only thing that's helped out! I have a crushed lower back and broke my neck with accidents that caused my knees to be blown out and shoulders dislocated and separated from motorcycle accidents.. I'm in so much pain trying to provide for the family now and live a quality life. Thanks!

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I too saw Dr. Turley and he's a complete POS. He lowered me exponentially from 75mg oxy IR ×3hrs & 8 mg Dilaudid x3 10mg oxy IR ×6 hrs and 75mg/hr fentynal patch that was worthless. I now am on 15 mg oxy IR and 30 mg oxycontin ER. I run out early all the time. Currently out and in pain. I don't see him anymore. I recommend Pain Stop or Advanced Pain Management. Only ones that helped me somewhat. DO NOT GO TO PRIME MEDICAL PAIN IN PHX. AWFUL PEOPLE.

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what are the paon dr name looking for new dr yo help me with pain meds dr mastrin az pain meds is my old one

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what are the pain dr name looking for new dr to prescibe meds since i lost ny last dr at az pain meds so plz help me find a dr or someone who cares.

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hey hsve you tried 40th st and bell pain mamnagement ? and can you send me some of those doctors you mentioned!?

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If anyone replies can you please let me know? {edited for privacy}. I'm going through the same thing.

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I'm new here and wanted to know if anyone can help me find the name of a dr in phx to write the 30 mg oxycodone I've been on for years? My dr just closed practice.

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Please provide a few names of drs who will prescribe pain meds.

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I also am in need of a good doc ,im dealing with some bad disk in back if u can share ur docs name with me so i can get out of pain it would be awfully nice

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Hi I just moved to Phoenix area and I have frequent blood clots. Can you share the MD that you know? I'm desperate need of a doc who will prescribe oxy 5-325... Thank you

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Did you ever go to Mexico to get meds? If so did you have problems bringing the medication back?

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My previous dr retired and since then all anyone wants to do is cut my meds. I have degenerative disc disease, polycystic kidney disease and leukemia and would love to know who i can see that will continue my meds at their current dosage

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I listed one Dr....any ones for me. I go to him on the 8th & sure that is the last appt. He wants me to go to pain management. He's is a great Dr.

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gave you a Dr name.....please give me one because I am going to Mexico right now

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Also in the same boat I cannot find one to prescribe me oxycodone you can give me a few names that you know of that will prescribe oxycodone 15 to 20 or 30 I will gladly share a doctor that will help you too

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