Doctors Who Will Prescribe Subutex (Top voted first)


I live in the Lehigh Valley in Pa. My Doctor retired and the only doctor who is available is charging $100 per visit. He sees people from his home. He is going to raise the price to $125 and I have no choice, My insurance is Blue Cross and no sub doctor will take it if anyone knows a doctor please let me know {edited for privacy}. I am desperate.

6 Replies

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that is cheap, im an hour north of pittsburgh, and the doctors aeound here charge anywhere from $200-400..a month.. and in pittaburgh some want $150-400 a week.. good luck bro

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Hello, Sandra! How are you?

Have you used the website to search for doctors in your area? It's at click here.

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Who do u see I can't find any

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I can't take soboxxne I have allergy paper I can go as far as Nashville bit live in my need a Dr asap plz help

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Can you take subutex with Contrave??? I take subutex but I just got a prescription of Contrave for weight loss and I’m not sure if it is ok to take together because I’ve heard the
Suboxone with the Contrave sends you into withdrawal

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I'm about an hr & a half north of pitts...where r u at & have u found a subutex dr? I'm allergic to the naloxone in suboxone & can find a subutex dr to save my life!!! Lemme know if u have found anything plz!!! I'll do the same...

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