Doctors Who Will Prescribe Pain Medication Southern Indiana (Top voted first)
UpdatedDUE TO ILLNESS AND HOSPITALIZATION my Dr has taken a leave of absence from practice cancelled all appointments and refused any refills. I am only on hydrocodone 10mg 5x daily. This left me with nothing no refill to find a new dr or anything someone please help!!!!
9 Replies
I'm looking for a doctor who is open to prescribing suboxone, or subutex for back pain in southern Indiana.
I would SUE! He got you admitted to them by prescribing u the medications, So he should Have given atleast 3 months worth and given a list of some referral doctors...meaning he should have talked with other Dr's. Or had his secretary's. Do this for him/her before he left. He knew that it was coming so that is MALPRACTICE! You can fire a Dr. Just like they. Can discharge you!
Even if you sue the Dr your still without your meds just like I am from a Dr in Carmal. It wasn't Dr Ley it was a Dr that worked at Indiana Health Group. It was Dr Butler who quit but he promised me that this other Dr he referred me to that worked there would not change the same meds I have been on for 4 years now. And it was this new Dr who wanted me to switch back to Suboxone which I have a letter that this place made me get when I first started on Subutex. Also he wanted me to quit my klonopin half mg 2x day which I have been on for 15 years and also my Lyrica, and if I did not want to do this they would give me a 1 months supply of my meds and I would have to find another Dr and they would release me, so I am here now going thru withdraws, just the very beginning. I can barely text on here because I am shaking so bad. But what they've done to me was unethical and very wrong. They knew that they would need a new Dr that prescribes Subutex and klonopin together but they switched to a Suboxone-only clinic now and they told me that my insurance would not pay for my visits but my insurance told me they would and the office said my Dr was a cash only Dr and I wasn't in his office for no more than 8 minutes every time because my mother rode down with me. I think there is some shady s*** going on there at IHG.
@VERWON ... does your doctors last name start with P? as in something you lay your head on?
just curious?
@VERWON ...does your doc's last name start with a 'P' as in what you lay your head on??? sounds very similar ... pls let me know thx and best wishes
@VERWON ...does your doc's last name start with a 'P' aka as in what you lay your head on? sounds like a very similar situation... pls let me know... thx and best wishes
Re: Verwon (# 1)
Pain Management in southern Indiana consists of two options: spinal injections of cortisone or physical therapy. Take your pick. People are turning to street drugs for legitimate relief from pain. Thank you, Trump.
Re: Saiorse (# 8)
I'm from Australia and like most countries we have very strict regulations re: opioid prescribing, but the USA is just crazy ridiculous right now!! I read through these forums and of course there are some (probably) exaggerated claims of injuries/conditions/pain levels but they arent all lying. If you whittle it down to the 'least likely to be false or exaggerated" verifiable cases (folks already on disability/VA/worker's comp etc), and if these folks can hardly get a single Vicodin then I don't know who could!! I just dont understand why opioids are being withheld/underprescribed in, what appear to be, no-brainer medically justifiable cases, why would the DEA/govt have a problem with any doctor prescribing opioids to such people? This isn't regulation its paranoid prohibition, and we know from history that prohibition never works! What the hell is going on in the US of A???!!
If you require such medications on a long-term ongoing basis for the treatment of pain, due to the new regulations that were put in place last year, you'll need to see a pain management specialist. Finding a new general practice doctor to prescribe this just isn't very likely, at all, now.
Are there any in your area?
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