Doctors Who Will Prescribe Methadone For Pain Management Phoenix Arizona (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have been on methadone for about 6 years and had to start going to a maintenance clinic a few yrs ago after my pain dr lost his license here in Phoenix, Arizona. I tried going to another pain clinic after mine closed but they wanted me off the methadone and forced me to taper off of it in one week and demanded I took gabapentin which DOES NOT work and they didn't care. Anyways, I went to mmt clinic and have been there since but there are so many things wrong with it, I'd end up writing a book. Does anyone know of a pain Mgmt doc who writes methadone scripts in Metro Phoenix area?
Wow in Ga methadone is free at clinics I've never took it but alot of people do good luck
I am desparate for about a months worth of vicodin. I have a pinched nerve in my upper back. I know myself and am just trying to get through this for the short term. Can you help?
That practice does not do medication like that whoever is referring you were saying that they do is lying they do not have a doctor and it is not a Doctor's practice it is a chiropractor.. That Mesa medical place on Center is not a medication prescriber
Do you still need help to get into a practice? Back in January u said you were having issues getting into a doc that will help
I'm still in need of someone if you can help please...seems like forever but no one has been able's so frustrating and I don't know how much longer I can handle it
has'nt dr, sparks moved from 57th and thunderbird?
Hey Jenni did you ever find a doc? I know its been a while but I was just in the same boat as you were and would like any info youve got! thanks!
Hi arrkaybe, I'm also looking for a methadone doctor in Phx area for pain. Have you had any luck in finding one? I have fibro & wide spread arthritis. I was prescribed methadone for 7 yrs & when transferred to pain clinic I was forced to transition to Oxycontin & oxycodone. I've not been the same since...daily rollercoaster of on/off again pain and increasing tolerance where it's not as effective. Current provider is now cutting me back & it's been extremely hard. Methadone allowed me to have steady control over pain plus able to stay at one dose over 7 tolerance buildup.
I saw your advice to JD72...I too have recently moved here and have been on a pain management plan in TX. Any advice on where I can go to continue my treatment? 180X20mg oxy and IV's.
I hate to say this but if a doctor is prescribing you all of that medicine at one time, he should be investigated. I have broke my back, just had my fourth back surgery, have had two ankle surgery that now has major nerve damage and 15 other major surgeries and my pain management would NEVER have me on all that at once and I would not agree to it. Accept the fact that you will never be pain free and work with your doctor to get on the least amount of pain meds that you can be on and tolerate the pain and you will feel better than on all that stuff. Granted, you will still feel pain. Also. Try a physiologist that specialize in pain management. They do wonders and prescribe nothing
They coupled the pain medicine with Baclofen for me to take at night, and then I also have Albuterol and Advair for asthma.....that's all.
To JJ - What is the doctors name at Mesa Medical. The phone number you gave is no longer a working number. Help!!!!
i am on 40mg oxycontin 10mg immediate release i am dependent on these meds for my cervical disc desease and onstant horrendous pain!!! all AND i mean all discs in neck buldged and protrusion
Don't even waste your time going to that will just waste your
Hi, I see you posted this awhile ago. I hope all is well? Is this still the case. Do Dr's still care for the patient first still? Maybe caring about the DEA is caring for the patient so they can continue. Any help would be great.
Sadly with my experience with methadone is you have to go to a methadone clinic. Some pain management clinics will give you want 24 hour time release the methadone pill. A lot of people like the time release medication because it puts out as needed in your body daily and works better than taking a dose of methadone and having to take some more. I’m sure there are shying away from giving the liquid methadone when they can give you a prescription at a pain management center for time released medications which they seem to be using more of. It helps control your pain better as it releases every hour the needed amount of medication you need. If you’re lucky enough to find a clinic with a good doctor like mine that will listen to you and if you medication is not strong enough they will of it a little bit at a time. But with methadone as any other controlled substance is very addictive, hence the FDA coming in and put in more restrictions on prescribing a controlled substance. I’m sure this is state wide now that you have to wait 48 hours for a prior authorize Asian on your controlled substances unless you are a Medicare Medicaid patient you can get yours that day. The government and big Pharma is making it harder for us to get our needed medication which is terrible. We have these conditions we can’t help it they have cures for a lot of these but how are they going to make money if they cure us. So that would be my suggestion to you is just keep looking for a pain management clinic or in your case possibly a methadone clinic but those are known to taper you back which is good because methadone is so addictive. Good luck and I hope you feel better.
Re: julie (# 8)
I just saw this post. I feel like there might be hope for me. My Dr of 20yrs retired n this pain clinic dropped me from 60mg long lasting twice a day to 30mg short acting. My life has gone down hill fast!!! I have a plate from c4 to c7 herniated discs down my spine are now sitting on my nerves, as well as arthritis down my spine!!I have diverticolise, gallbladder must come out and was diagnoised in 1994. First disc surgery was in 94 in colorado. They suggest i move to Az as i also have one of the worst cases the Neuro surgeon have even diagonsed. Thank you, thank you for posting this. I can only hope, n pray that in the year of 2018 he is still in practice!! Thank again for giving me hope!!
Re: Dee (# 25)
Advanced pain management in Chandler is good. Leslie is awesome NP. You have to do shots, she gets my MRI every 2 years. There is people on methadone but the have cancer.
Re: julie (# 8)
Thx you Julie for your helpful comments abt a methadone pain treating doc in Chandler. However, I just now noticed they were written back in June 2015; and now it is May 2021. Does anyone know if the Dr. Fedoriw is still in practice?
Re: Red (# 11)
Dang buddy, I wish you luck trying to come off methadone if you ever do... Coming off methadone is worse than coming off heroin. Methadone sinks into your bones and ugh thinking about you coming off it makes me feel nauseous.
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