Doctors In The Rio Grande Valley Who Will Prescribe Pain Medication
UpdatedRegular pain managment doctor left the Río Grande Valley (Brownsville Texas 78520) área to Fort Worth Tx and i cannot find another pain managment doctor to prescribe my regular meds which are hydrocodon 10/325 and morphine 60 mg. Please help me. This meds calm my chronic pain but the one i am seeing now does not believe in meds only physical therapy which medicaid will not cover exams, MRI's, and physical therapy. I am getting no where, no meds, nor MRI's, exams, nothing. Please try to help, i am in real bad pain. On a 1 to 10, maybe a 12.... really bad back and knee pain.
3 Replies
Did you find a dr? I just moved here from Houston.
Found a surgery orthopidic which is understanding but goes as high as Tylenol 4, Tramodol 50 mgs and Butran patches, which by the way, does not work on me. Next step neurostimulator implant on my back.
Yes, his name Dr. Watson, working with Dr. Ray "Trey" Fulp. He is located on Jose Marti Blvd entering Brownsville Country Club. # to reach this orthopedic pain doctor is 956-504-0309. Hope he can be of help with the pain meds.