Doctors In Nh That Will Write Oxycontin Presciption (Top voted first)
Updatedive been on oxycontin 80mg and oxycontin HCL for years now due to chronic back pain, stenosis and DDD and my primary dr just dropped my from the practice and i need a primary dr in NH that will write me these pain meds prescriptions so i can live and function with less pain. I have not had good experiences with pain management clinic and do not want to go to a methodone clinic. plz let me know a primary care doctor that will help me!
2 Replies
Hello, Alice! How are you?
I'm sorry, but a PCP can no longer write such prescriptions, due to the new regulations that were put in place last year. If you require such medications on a long-term ongoing basis for the treatment of chronic pain, you'll have to see a pain management specialist.
This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
What is your general location, such as your nearest large city? That may enable someone to recommend a good doctor, if they know of one.
hi verwon.
your post was not correct,at least in the state of maryland.i just got a script yesterday for oxycontin and oxycodone from my PCP,and have been,unfortunately,for 8 years.He is a sub doc, as well,and when asked him about it ,he explained that he had to get certification to dispense these scripts.I also had to sign a contract with him,saying that i would only get those meds from him,and use the same pharmacy.
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