Doctors In Missouri Willing To Prescribe Oxycodone
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I recently lost my doctor of 20 yrs. and am now trying to find a doctor who understands pain and is willing to prescribe pain medication
4 Replies
Re: InPainInMidMO (# 3)
Good luck. I'm in the same boat. I too suffer severely. I have a steel plate in my neck that stenosis and arthritis had set in. I also have 3 old compressor fractures at T-8, 9 & 10 in the middle of my back. Feels like fire. I have also been diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis in my lower lumbar spine. I can't get off the couch, it's a bunch of crap that we have to live like this. I have MRI's, x-rays & written reports. My medical Dr had me on 10mg oxycodone but took them away and said I need a pain management Dr... I went to two and got no relief from either one of them. If you have any luck finding someone {edited for privacy} I would appreciate your help.
My dr who I'd had for several years retired last year. I have a birth defect in my brain that causes some severe pain. I have records and MRIs to prove my condition. However, I have had a hard time finding a pain management dr who cares about my quality of life. I never wanted to need narcotics to live a normal life but I require them. So many people have ruined drs from prescribing what works for those who truly need it. I'm needing advice on where in the area of Jefferson City MO or Columbia, of recommendations for a dr who will truly listen and take care of me with narcotics. I'm fine taking drug panels. I don't abuse drugs. I just need someone in this area to help me live my life without severe pain.
I am 51, have severe osteoporosis with 4 fractured vertebrae in my back. I'm frankly tired of going to local pain mgmt drs here in Ohio and being required to receive inj's. that cause more pain and problems. I have issues that begin in my neck all the way to my tailbone and frankly am sick of waiting 6 months to get onto a dr only to have to sit there 8 or 9 hours to be seen and get inj's. and only receive a 5 mg hydro three times a day, and God forbid when the insurance company start to deny further inj's., the dr decides to release you as a patient because they can't get more money from the insurance companies, so you as the patient are left to go through withdrawal. Can anyone here recommend a dr in Missouri that will actually help me manage my pain and help me lead a normal life which would allow me to be able to play with my 8 year old granddaughter again? I am not looking for massive amounts of pain meds or anything more than a 10-15 mg oxycodone. I'm desperate to get my life back. If you can assist me with the procedures and requirements to get established with a dr there I would greatly appreciate it. I don't want to make a wasted trip and I do have my MRIs as,well as bone scans. Thank you in advance for any help I can get from some of the locals in this area.
I just moved to the columbia missouri area and am in search of a doctor. I have a long history and all the reasons in the world to need the relief from pain so I can enjoy life with my kids. I deeply miss my Washington DC pain clinic. Who in Missouri understands this? definitely not Boon County Hospital pain mgmt doc Patel. He is a judgmental person that treats you like a drug addict. plus while you wait for an hour for the almighty doctor to enter you get watch millipedes cross the floor.
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