Doctor Who Will Prescribe Xanax In West Virginia
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ineed a dr to go see so I can get my pain pill and my Xanax from I don't have one to see and live in mt storm wv

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I need a doctor to write me subutex and Xanax together I had one doc who did but he got busted in West Virginia

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i moved to WV in 7-2015. i am currently on xanax and vicodin. they wouldn't give me xanax but refered me to a pain specilist and a mental healh Dr. for my xanax.didn't here nothing from pain Dr! MH CLINIC SAID IF I TOOK ONE OF THESE MEDICNES I couldnt get the other and advised me to move back to where i was getting them in OH i moved why is it my fault ive been on these meds for yrs GOOD LUCK

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