Doctor To Prescribe Tramadol In South Carolina


With the reclassification of tramadol to schedule IV, I can no longer get it like I was. It is the ONLY medication that allows me to function at all. Relieves my fibro pain, control appetite, improves concentration... It gave my life back. It saved me, honestly. I'm in the Charleston area. Please help!

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Honestly: your doctor?

I don't see why any doctor should have a problem providing a script - especially if you have Fibromyalgia.

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My doctor referred me to pain management & they won't accept my insurance. I get 15 here or 10 there, but no one will keep me on my former regimen. I even have my medical record that shows I was taking 2 3x a day. It's frustrating.

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My gosh, well that is just really crappy.

Wish I could help.


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carolinamomma75 , if you're getting them here and there from different drs, that might explain why you can't find 1 dr to give you the amount you were prescribed in the past. Even with medical records, a new dr doesn't have to prescribe the same thing a previous dr did.

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It's the same office. If my PCM isn't free, they put me with one of the nurse practitioners.

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>>It's the same office. If my PCM isn't free, they put me with one of the nurse practitioners.

That can be a real pain, I know. Are you not comfortable talking to them about your pain? If so.. you just have to do it. You need to communicate your feelings to them and tell them EXACTLY what you want. It's the only way. If they don't want to help you, find a new doctor.

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I tend to "soldier on," so to speak. But you're right. Being stoic won't get me what I need. Thanks

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I am experiencing the same problem! I also have fibro and arthritis.... I've had 4 knee surgeries and tramadol is what helps me function normally... I am being referred to a pain management doctor in the charleston area... I'm just so scared they will want to change things up... But I take the same dose you are taking and it's worked for me for 5 years now.... Maybe we can help eachother find a doctor since we are in the same area

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I can't find a pain specialist who accepts Consumer's Choice insurance. Have you found a doc yet, low country?

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