Doctor Gave Me Hydrococone Acetaminophen 5 325 Tb Developed Esophgrus Burning What Do I
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Dr gave me Hydrocodone/acetaminophen 5-325TB. My Esophgrus is burning so bad, I now have runny nose and a cough. He gave it to me for leg and back pain. I should say that I also take Nexium fore acid reflex
2 Replies
Hello, Lee! How are you doing? I'm very sorry about the problem that you're having.
How much water did you take it with?
This frequently occurs if someone takes a pill with just a small sip of liquid, or swallows it dry. With the runny nose and cough being added to the mix, that leads me to suspect that it might have your GERD acting up.
If you did take it with a full, 8 ounce glass of water, then you need to consult your doctor, because this just might not be the right medication for you to take, since something else may be causing the problem.
You should be tested for Barretts esophagus if you are having problems with the esophagus. Esophageal cancers are becoming more common than other cancers in the United States. Have an endoscopy to do examination for cancer.
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