Diphen Atrop Side Effects
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My name is Bonnie. I took 3 Diphen/Atrop pills 2.5 mg and my eyes started burning and had blurred vision. I stopped taking it but my eyes did not get better.
I went to an eye Dr and they did extensive testing and said my problem is puckering macula bilateral , dry eyes and presence intraocular lens, unspecified visual disturbances.
I was wandering if this drug could have caused it.
Because of Cipro the tendons broke in both hands and had to have them operated on.
Thank You

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No they did not so I'm going to another doctor who will really listen and check things out about this medicine. I'm still having problems.
Thank you very much for your information.

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Hello, Bonnie! How are you?

As reported by the U.S. FDA, though it is rare, this medication has been known to cause blurred vision and changes in near vision, which tend to continue, as well as other eye problems, including pinpoint pupils, inhibition of the iris sphincter muscle and inhibition of the ciliary muscle.

So yes, there is a chance that it might have caused these issues. Did the doctor offer you any treatment options?

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