Dilaudid Pain Pump (Page 4)
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I would like to talk to anyone who has a pain pump with Dilaudid. My mother has a pain pump and I am worried she will be on it for the rest of her life. She has had the pump for many years and I feel it has affected her greatly. She had to have all her teeth pulled because they were rotting and she also has a problem with her tongue burning and red all the time. I am worried she will never get off the pain pump because she is addicted... she also falls asleep all the time even while you are talking to her. Thanks for any advice.

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I just had the pain pump placed with dilaudid. It isn't the same effect feeling that you would get if you got it through in iv. I don't have any side effect. I do continue to take oral pain meds am allotted 2-2 1/2 percocet 10's a day and I am roughly taking 1-1 1/2 per day yes some days are worse than other but, overall I am having a great or good experience with the pump.

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I had my pump put in this past may. My doctor has me on moriphine. I have been going through mild to severe withdrawals since the initial surgery. I was on oral meds of every kind for 10 years prior to the pump. Mydoctor has given me minimal oral medication while finding the right dosage for me. It has been a difficult transition and I really dont have a support system. Does anyone know what the average mlg per day of morphine is? This is having such a negative affect on my life that depression is starting to affect me also.

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My question is are the affects similar to the iv affects or are they Different the reason I am asking is because I plan on going back to work after I get my pain pump the ppl I have asked could not tell me the differance because they have never or ever had Dauldid prior to the pump I have it works good but just wanted to know if their is a big difference in the affects of the two any info will help thanks

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I became addicted to d's(street slang for Dilaudid) in my very early 20's. I had been a poly drug abuser all through my teens, with 6 month runs of Heroin. No monkey, but quality control problems along with the loss of many friends. Twenty months of d's and I lost my d doctor. Lots of drama followed. Enter Methadone. Save me and possibly others. At 40 I do 8yrs 4months for Uncle Sam. No "done". Two yrs into my bit I'm injured on my job(1996). No correct medical diagnosis. Fed caused me to get IBS from all the NSAID's given. Same BS when I'm out. Start on class III's and end up getting morphine for pain. Praise the internet.

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Is she using as directed or over using...I've been on pain meds for years and have learned if taken properly, teeth rotting is rare. I'd be more worried about her liver and kidneys. I'm not on pump however. How does it work?

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i do not have dolidid in mine but close friend does. she has had it 13 years and so far it has not affected her teeth. has ur mom ever taken methodon

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.What is she useing it for and how old is she ? If she sleeping a lot, maybe her med has to be drop down a little. It exfect her breathing, which makes her sleepy.If she wants to stop it, it will have to be done slow and i mean real slow..Depending on her disease she might be on it forever..

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Narcotics don't affect your organs from what I've read. They have looked at cadavers of people who took them for long periods of time and there was no organ damage. That doesn't mean they aren't harmful at all, I really don't know. I'm not an expert, so please just take this as hearsay, but I don't think you have to worry about Dilaudid killing you. The Tylenol they put in Percoset is bad for the liver if more than 4000mg per day is taken. The oxycodone itself doesn't harm the liver like this. Why they put the acetaminophen is a mystery to me. It's not like addicts are going to care how much Tylenol is in their Percoset. But that's what docs want to prescribe.

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Have been on a Dilaudid pain pump for 2 yrs now..I can never get off it because of the disease i have..I worry how long before the Dilaudid will attack my my organs like liver & kidneys.I'm only 53 and would like to know if i should be doing a living will ??

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i have had chronic pancreatic for the past five years. nothing seems to work on me. the dr. said that a dilaudid pain pump will help me. please if anyone out there that give some advise i really need it.

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Check with different medical drug supply companies.. some charge more for Dilauted than others. check with your insurance, or medicaid if you qualify. you do need a doctor for it, to fill your pump.

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What is the approximate cost of dilaudid refill for a newer Medtronics pump. I don't have prescription coverage and wonder if this is covered under normal medical coverage or if only under prescription. And if it's not covered then I don't know if I can afford it.

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After using Fentynal patches for three years, I've been on my pump filled with dilaudid for the past two and one-half years. I need t get a refill every six weeks due to my flow rate and the fact that my pump has only a 21 cc reservoir. I have had my flow rate adjusted numerous times to get where I'm at today. I used to fall asleep awhile in mid conversation, etc. My suggestion is to try and redeive a small enough flow to minimize the pain to the point where you can live with some of it. That's what I've done as time progresses and I need to make adjustments, (up and down - I always feel better when I'm warm so during the summer I have cut back, and in winter icrease it some), I will. I'll be on this stuff called dilauddid til the day I die which probably will come sooner because of it. C

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Dilaudid contains the active ingredient Hydromorphone, this is a narcotic analgesic.

There is a different between addiction and dependence.

Dependence, which is more than likely what is happening to your mother, occurs when you are just using something regularly for a long period of time.

Addiction occurs when you abuse a drug and keep taking more and more, beyond what is prescribed.

What she is experiencing are common side effects, these may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and constipation.

Unfortunately, if she has a condition requiring pain treatment, she may never be completely medication free.

Have you spoken to her doctor about your concerns?


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