Dilaudid And Fentnyl Mixture (Top voted first)


my mother had a bypass which went well, she is now in a care facility due to a severe bed sore due to a hospital stay. they have had her in bed and druged up for 5 months now. we have switched facilities and doctors. the sores are getting better now but she is on the pain patch fentanyl now and seems out of her mind. dilaudid just keeps her knocked out if used to much. we had her off morphine since it was doing the same as this fentanyl. it is so hard getting a doctor that will listen! they seem like they just want to drug people and let them die instead of getting them well. what medicine will work for someone with severe arthritis pain due to no movement. dilaudid has been the only thing we have seen that doesn't make her crazy and help a little with the pain. is there anything else not morphine based that will help. we also just had them take her off another medicine taht they started to pep her up but was doing the opposite.
Thanks and God Bless!

16 Replies

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Try norco ...it is vicitian without the tylonel..cant spell today..high dose at 1000 mil 4 times a day...it works for me...it will not keep a person down either..

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Diladuid is safe when used as perscribed; the only catch is you have to inject it for it to work. If you're afraid of needles you'll get over it real quick. If there were not so many idiots in this world that can not control just using it 'till it's all gone, and made it last a month doctors would be more comfortable writing you injection ampules or bottles. That way you would not have to be your own chemist and break it down and shoot it anyway. I'd sell my soul to the devil to get my doctor to write me injection Diladuid. When I get rich I'll pay them to do whatever I want. MONEY TALKS>

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There aren't many other options that aren't morphine related.

The patches are also highly addictive. You may want to keep track of which dosage they have her on and how often they change the patch.

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The problem with that is Vicodin and Norco are both much, much milder and are not going to work for someone who has severe pain and is used to the stronger medications.

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Why is she still in bed? She needs more physical therapy and less drugs to hide the pain. Have you consulted a pain management MD. Also have you researched cortisone injections. She needs to get up and moving....even WITH arthritis! Or else many more problems will occur, lungs included.

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my Rhymotolgist was prescriping fentanyl patch /75mg .I have 15 days left . She has retired and the Dr. who replaced her doesnt believe in pain med. What is going to happen to me now? (withdrawl?) What can I do to avoid any problems?

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dear aqualoo 2008
As a patient you always have the option of getting a new physician. Find one that will work in your best interest. Assert your right of good health!

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I tend to agree with Leeann's advice that your Mom needs intensive Physical Therapy, out of bed and being weaned from the heavy pain meds, not switched to new ones. Can you bring her home and get the necessary caretakers to assist her in her recovery? If not, the bed sores will continue to be a problem which they will treat with heavy pain medications to keep her quiet and therefore requiring less assistance throughout the day in this setting. My experience with the Doctors who treat geriatric patients is that for the most part most of them tend to treat elderly patients by moving them from one drug to the other until they stop complaining. Many are quite careless about investigating for contraindications amongst other medications the patient is on and taking into consideration the patients illnesses and overall stamina. It is up to your Mom's loved ones to do some serious and immediate homework by reading published medical lititure related to her specific issues, researching the side effects and studies available on the drugs they are giving her, and giving yourself permission to question or request different treatment options you've read about once your research provides you with the tools and data to conduct an intelligent conversation with her Doctors. If you don't do the investigating, the Doctor's will use it as their primary method to dismiss anything you bring up as a concern. I have been assisting my Mother in this manner for the last three years and I've found my interventions on behalf of her treatment plans were dismissed by the Doctors until I started arming myself with clear and correct information which backed up my questions and suggestions. The results have become highly positive interactions and resultant treatment plans for her growing list of medical issues. Good Luck and take control for her sake. If you don't, no one will. It's a big job, but the reward are well worth the outcomes related to her quality of life.

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I've been taking oxycontin 40mg three xs a dayfor ten years ...the BEST

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Thank You, for your replies. No further replies are needed. My Mother has recently passed away 06-04-08, due to her care after surgury.

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FETYNAL doesnt work for me and i have an ulcer besides stage1 of pancreatic cancer i am at 2 mgs of dilaudid and it works wonders for me if its in shot for only pills dont work for me

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adviza is a morphine sulfate that is time realeased it can be presribed in doses from 30mg-to 120mg, i beleive that it is the new formulation for ms-contin, most doctors will write this because they say it has no street value as it can t be crushed, snorted, or injected, it is very good an can be withdrawn down from an can stay at a reg. maintaince pain management

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I'm currently on fentanyl and my dr. has me on loratab 10. They seem to manage the pain quite well.

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more movement

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You need an addiction specialist. Dilaudid tablets are not made to be injected. You are advocating an extremely dangerous practice. To say they must be injected in order to work is ludicrous. I take them by mouth and they work as advertised. If the pain isn't under control, at that point, it is probably necessary to add another medication, as I do. My doctor mixes 5 8mg Dilaudid (orally) daily with an additional 100Mcg/hr Fentanyl patch once every 3 days. You should be careful what you post here. People are looking for help and if, God forbid, someone pays any attention to you they may truly hurt themselves.

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