Different Strengths Of Morphine
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different strengths of morphine
Re: ChillyWilly (# 19)
I agree with you! Get so tired of people coming on here acting like they know everything and then explaining that they are addictive and the risks, well most true Pain Patients know their bodies and what works, as far as tolerance and of course we know are bodies are DEPENDENT but its different than ADDICTED!
No one knows what horrible things we go through and always have to worry if your going to lose your best doctor ever! Like I just did
Because he was outspoken!
Now I have a doctor who took over his practice and changed EVERYONE'S medication.
Plus my insurance won't pay for it, so I have to go through pre authorization each time and plus pay $70 copay instead of $4
And my insurance will pay for my fentenal patch that I have been on for 9 years with no problems
Re: ChillyWilly (# 19)
Maybe they are living as I am, terminal cancer, bones,& prostrate. Sure you've really experienced SEVERE PAIN my frnd ???
New laws on controlled substances. People are dying. These meds cause people to stop breathing. Whitney Houston is just one example.
Be very careful because this affects the respiratory system and can slow your O2 saturation and can even be a precursor to pneumonia. I know this because it happened to me twice. Morphine sulfate ER is nothing to joke with. The risk of major breathing problems even death far outweighed by any recreational good feeling you.may get. Please be careful my friend, I developed pneumonia takeing the meds correctly.
Your exactly right about building a tolerance. I for one am a whipple patient,you could live two lifetimes and not meet one of us. The whipple is a radical life saving effort for pancreatic cancer patients. But my tolerance for medication got so high the could not keep me intubated as it was the only way to control my pain for a while yes they put me in a coma or atleast they tried but i kept waking up. The doctors told my family they had never seen anything like it. All do to tolerance to medications. You made a very valid point.
I live in northern ky and there is a pain clinic on us 42. They prescibe moraphine. I just resuntly stop taking my moraphine. Instead I get perc 15s for break through pain and a 50 mgr fentanyl patch every 72 hrs. The pain clinic is called northern ky pain clinic it is located on us 42 on florence ky.
Do you even know what you're talking about or just making it up as you go
That is just stupid what you just said. Saying this person's gonna wind up od'ing like Heath, Whitney ect.. By the way, they all od on purpose, meaning they all actually committed suicide. Something everyone here needs to know is that over time, meaning years, of taking narcotic pain killers, like opiates, we build up a tolerance. For example, after 13 years of taking mine, as prescribed, my body is up to 2 30mg Roxi's every 4 hours as needed and 1 80 mg oxycontin every 12 hours. That's what it takes now for me to deal with the debilitating pain I have. And not that it's any of your business but I hit a tree going 85 mph when I was 19. I'm blessed to be alive but the damage to my back and neck was done.
Kadian is morphine sulfate capsules with strengths of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100, 150 & 200mg's. It's a better range than MS Contin SR tablets of 15, 30, 60 & 90mg's. CR (controlled released), ER (extended release) SR (sustained release). Kadian works better, longer, it's 1/2 life is longer & it's the best morphine sulfate today. If one can't swallow tablets they're not to break them & with capsules one can open & take it w/ applesauce (Don't chew the beads). Kadian is 2 times daily due to it's strength instead of 3 times daily as MS Contin. All except, the 40mg's are generic & the mechanism is better than MS Contin SR (morphine sulfate sustained release). I don't think some of the comments understand you're on a long acting & short acting medication for breakthrough pain with their replies. I know it's been a long time since your post but, I hope you find this info helpful. I was switched from MS Contin 3 times daily to Kadian ER & oxycodone for many years. Kadian is far better than MS Contin & can be taken every 12 hours, not every 8 hours. I took Kadian 100mg's 2 times daily, then 80mg's 2 times daily, then 60mg's 2 times daily to be at 120mg daily with oxycodone IR's for breakthrough. Many physicians now write for 2 LA & 4 IR's daily so you should be better off with Kadian over MS Contin since they're both morphine sulfate. I was switched to a new LA with oxycodone for breakthrough in May due to the CDC guidelines.
I have switched from Kadian to morphine in the past high dosage and absolutely no withdrawal. I was expecting it but to my surprise there was none. I am someone who has been taking pain meds for over 10 years so I know what you're thinking. :)
That's easy to say. 100mg morphine twice a day and 15mg pills of oxy do not even put a dent in my pain or reflexes on the evaluations they've done. I've always been highly tolerant to pain meds. 2 years ago they gave me 20mg of oxy w/o Tylenol and 200 mg of morphine to breakthrough and keep me sane.
It is actually against the law to drive while taking pain killers. It's called drugged driving, and you go to jail. It's no different in the laws eyes than drunk driving. I live in Michigan and am talking from personal experience.
Tramadol is extremely addictive. I was addicted to Tramadol for 7 years and coming off of Tramadol is worse than coming off other opiates. It's the most horrible experience I've ever had.
I live in Kentucky and I can't find a doctor who writes oxycodone or morphine do u know any doctors
My sister was given 5mg of morphine she told the doctor that they were not working for the pain that she in he order her 1 mg will that help her pain, she is a leg amputee please let us know asap.
Florida is a police state also my wife has to.drive an hour and a half just to get her script filled.. They always hirt the people that need it the most Good LUCK...
How much morphine is 217ng/ml? What is the dose strength ? Is it 15 or 30
I have been dealing with liver caner and am currently taking 60 ers and 15 irs they are not working as well as before. My Dr refused to mix medication. Is it time to switch
I am finding it very hard to get my morphine script filled in San Diego? I got caught between current pharmacy closing and finding a new pharmacy locally to fill script. I used to have little to no problem. I live off state disability. I feel like cattle being herded to certain pharmacies and very few will stock narcotics or say they do. They say they can order the medication for me but we are allowed a small window of time between fills and a week without medication will be life threatening. I tried calling over the phone and the pharmacies say they can not tell me if it is in stock (pharmacy policy) due to criminals calling in advance to rob the pharmacies for highly sought after narcotics , scary indeed:( I used to get medication delivered via Hospital pharmacy now they have new owners and they no longer deliver, offering me one option only using retail pharmacies and I prefer medications being delivered. Due to the hospital pharmacy no longer delivering I had to find new pharmacy to fill script before I ran out. I had to drive one hour round trip being in poor health and waiting for one hour to have it filled? Why is it so hard all of a sudden? Is this a county wide issue or just CA state issue? thank u for listening;)
I used to be on 400 mg of tramadol a day now my doctor has put me on 20mg of zormorph twice a day is that the same amount of less
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