Difference Between Amphetamine Salts And Amphetamine Salt Combo (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I HAVE BEEN TAKING GENERIC ADDERALL which has always been called amphetamine salts. My last script instead of saying amphetamine salts substituted for adderall it says amphetamine salts substituted for amphetamine salt combo? What's this mean?

35 Replies (2 Pages)

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I was on an anti depressant with this med. I have a dx of narcolepsy. When I first started taking it I stayed up over 20 hours a couple times. It was completely uncomfortable though....

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Actually there is an instant release, hence adderall IR (instant release) means all released at the same time versus through out a specific time frame....

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Chevymama, I'm sorry, lol what I posted was to the wrong reply you made.
I was saying the effects could be based on personal biology, renal liver and kidney health, possibly excess adipose tissue, paradoxical effect, misdiagnosis, polypharmacy, ect.

Would you agree?

I have narcolepsy. I was on 400 mg of Provigil and 80 mg of ritilin a day. The ritilin had zero effect in keeping me awake but the Provigil provided clarity of thinking while I was awake.

I was then switched over to Adderrall instant release. The adderrall was first tried without the Provigil but that hazy brain was present.
The Provigil was reinstated. The first two months were great, I felt normal again. I wasn't sleeping my life away. Over two or three months I was progressively increased to a dose of 20 mg instant release Adderrall. I told my doctor I was sleeping right through it.

I do not have ADHD.

Any thoughts?

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Chevy mama,
With your experience(credentials listed in your post about adderall) I am curious if you know if there is anything that could help me stop taking suboxone. I noticed when I had to take tordol for a kidney stone it made me not want to take sub. But tordol is not prescribed for longer than 5 day use. I really need off the subs and am trying to talk to any pharmacist that may be able to help. Am I crazy to think this helped?. Is tapering the only way? Been on it for 5 years more addicting than the pain pills I was taking. I also tried pot since it's legal where I am and that also helped so now I am thinking of trying to get my medical card.any help you can provide would be appreciated. Thx

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Best response. Especially the last part. Totally true.
Your explanation on how the beads are dissolved I've always wondered that ...

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My last months script ... 20 mg amphetamine salts 2xday and I take only a half at a time maybe every four hours well I think that round of pills were all PLACEBOS!! I found myself taking instead of 40 mg a day probably 65 because they weren't working and I've been taking this for about eight years now no problem. Each one literally tasted like sugar!!! Usually I can't leave it in my mouth for too long before I swallow it I'm always racing to get my drink and get it out of my mouth but every time I would break them and run for my drink I'm wondering why this taste like sugar!!!?? This is not the first time it's happened and if my life didn't get too busy to fast I would've emailed the FDA reported not only the first bottle that I suspected of not working but the other ones too. I switched pharmacies too the other day, but of course he had to call my old pharmacist who knows what they do back there and will get reported to the pharmaceutical companies what kind of records are kept to you save them money or not or maybe just to guinea pig us Who knows!!!
I can go on n on about conspiracies haha but I stop here

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It is good to know that "inactive" ingredients have an effect on the way generic is metabolized (which can alter its effectiveness. What I would like to know is there any way I can have the pharmacy fill my rx with generic from the same manufacturer each time? Was doing wonderfully, miraculously well, pharm. changed manufacturer, and now I have a full month of worthlessness ahead. If I'm lucky enough to get something that works I start all over again- every time this happens and the pills don't work, except for a slightly edgy restlessness (but not enough to keep me awake or even moving around) I feel guilty and frustrated because I don't get (am unable) anything done which makes me feel insecure and this cycle is to be endured because a pharmacy decides to buy from a cheaper manufacturer? It's really awful. It hurts I'm trying to find work and to get randomly disabled like this is getting to be too much.

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Hi - been taking the for a long time also. The EX only comes as a capsule the instant relief (IR) are only tablets. Easy enough right. Lol

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Dextroamphetamine also know as amphetamine salt is less addictive on the other hand adderall is almost as quickly addictive when taken out of the prescription range

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That's why they are taking a lot of meds off the market cause people that abuse their drugs. It takes away from those that really need it. Some people are ignorant. They go running their mouth before they think. Your telling on yourself that you have a drug problem. So please stop trying to mess up for others that really need it. You need help or change your meds to something that works for you. Because staying up from taking meds is not good. That's just natural common sense.

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Re: Kim (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Did she at least clean your house better. Adderal makes cleaning fun.

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Re: Jay (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Now we know where to look. Lol. The sugar bowl is a very good idea.

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Re: Coution Rapp (# 30) Expand Referenced Message

The reason they take these medications off the market is because they are very DANGEROUS and often over prescribed! They are not taken off the market because someone asked for advice in a medchat room. People who wind up addicted to or abusing their medications never start out intending to become addicted. No one wakes up one morning and says, "Hey, I think today is a good day to become a drug addict!". At least that's not the way it went for me. I was a 20 year old kid that had no clue what I was getting myself into when the doctor casually prescribed me that first bottle of medicine. Spent 9 years in a nightmare but I'm proud to say that I'm over 9 years sober today. I am responsible for my recovery. I don't waste my time trying to blame my addiction on anyone or anything. But doctors need far more education about addiction since they are the ones putting this poison into people's hands. As for medications being taken off the market... I definitely think some need to go. At least until and unless doctors better understand the devastation the medication may cause to a person, families, communities, etc...

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Re: Chevymama (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

I do agree that Adderall at 10 mg would most likely not keep anyone awake for 20 hours. I do however, want to share something my pain management drs. tried with this drug. I have Ehlers Dantos, a tissue disorder. A number of symptoms are associated with this genetic disease, but one of the worst for me is fatigue. I have tried Provigil, Nuvigil and their generic compounds. none have worked consistently except the generic made by Teva who makes the brand name as well. The generic from Mylan Co. does not work, at least for me. I have great insurance, but I am medicar age, and the nuvigil generic is incredibly expensive. Because I do not have ADD, or ADHD, my Dr. prescribed Adderall for my overwhelming fatigue. I take 30 mg of Amphetamine salts twice a day. The second dose I take around 2pm. It has made a huge difference in my fatigue and focus. It is also much less expensive. I never feel jittery or have any negative side effects. Just wanted to share.

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I'm taking what Maria is taking the 10 milligram D-AMPHETAMINE SALT COMBO.I have a different problem I want to sleep for quite a while and if I'm not sleeping I feel the need to just cry for no reason at all. Can you please tell me why?

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