Difference Between 30mg Oxycodone And Oxycontin (Page 6)
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I keep searching and STILL don¨t have a straight answer. I am currently on 30mg, 3 times a day of OXYCODONE (legally prescribed) for horrific back pain..... ¿WHAT is the difference between the 2, if any, besides the NAME? oxycodone AND oxycontin........ PLEASE help me out! thanks!
In my world OxyContin is the name brand which is a tier 2 drug and Oxycodone is generic and is tier 1as far as cost.
Do not feel bad, I have 500 stitches down my back, an 8" plate inserted, all tied to collar bone and ribs, and 4 1/2 inches of bone taken from my hip to graft into the plate (which at 50 is almost impossible to graft anything you use or move, even if then. ) 5 months later, same type proceedure on the neck. Was just in the V.A. for 4 days, and was refused my oxycontin because I don't have cancer !! So I ended up going into and through withdrawal and they were firmly aware of my medical condition. How would you like to be in a hospital and know you could die from withdrawal before the illness you were admitted for ?
SOOOO much suffering,no help...This regime MUST be overthrown once and for all...michael jackson and elvis had no problems with pain relieve. show me the money..here comes the filty government and their lawyer pigs.
I'm currently on oxycodone instant release 30mg 4 times a day and they but only a short period of time. I have had 3 back surgeries and the pain is constant all day everyday. I want to switch to OxyContin but not sure what mg to be on to be rquivelant to what I take now because of the new formula OxyContin is made of. If anybody has any suggestions please let me know I would really appreciate it.
I've been on 4 30mg oxycodone a day and 2mg dilaudid twice a day. I'm in severe around the clock pain. The dilaudid for some reason does not reduce my pain level at all. The oxycodone does but it works for 2 hours and the pain is back. Should I switch to OxyContin? Been struggling with this for a while now if anybody can help let me know. Thanks
Yes u can get 30 mg for ur back no problem but u want oxycodone not the other thats what i take six time a day for tha same and a broken vertibrae and it helps alot better just try and see take a half at first and work ur way up but beware very addictive and overdose can put u in coma or even stop ur heart
I live in Oklahoma and have chronic pancreantitus. I get 360 30 milligram oxycodones a month. I was getting 480 but started pain management and was dropped to 360
Thur the same except for the mg
for the love of god...stop. the pain is better than the cloud of drugs. i am trying to stop after 3 years and have gone from 90 mg oxy to cutting 15 mg in half and taking 3 15 mg 1/2's a day so i am down . I HAVE MEMORY NOW!
You dont need to hear from no one just get off that mess you know what it is doing to u, So use your judgement......Youve seen the special with the doctors telling you what more do u need.......Good luck & god bless.
There is a lawsuit for mesh pelvic sling causing pain and other problems. Get an attorney to handle your case but dont get an attorney that is handling a class action suit as you wont get anything at all the lawyers get all the money on class action. Find an individual attorney to handle your case individulaly. There is no cost unless they win the case. Get a medical mal practice attorney only.
There is a lawsuit for mesh pelvic sling causing pain and other problems. Get an attorney to handle your case but dont get an attorney that is handling a class action suit as you wont get anything at all the lawyers get all the money on class action. Find an individual attorney to handle your case individulaly. There is no cost unless they win the case. Get a medical mal practice attorney only.
theres no acetaminaphine in the 30mg oxycodone.. thats only in the 10/325 percocets
I had a ruptured disc and found epidural injections helped a lot as well as acupuncture. Of course I believe that Oxycontin and oxycodone are also essential for severe pain management but because of the addicitive nature of these drugs it is good to have alternatives to reduce intake.
To Myla...As u may know, there are alot of drs out there who will only take cash clients and give them drugs like oxycodone and xanax which are heavily sold on the street. Your story seems like the dr u go to is one of these drs and is giving you these "street friendly" drugs because hes probly a script writer knowing that most of his clients sell their drugs instead of taking his job serious and really giving people what they need. Hes a dr feel good, and just wants that cash from everybody, keep them coming, no insurance paper trail, and if you need some extra cash and know people who will buy your drugs "altho its illegal" then good for u, u hit the jackpot as them oxycodone ir 30mg are highly in demand on the streets. As well as xanax. But if u have no interest in selling your pills than maybe think about switching to a real dr who will give you better personal care and really give u what u need and give u the right treatment specifically for u. It basically sounds like you went to one of these crooked drs who writes big scripts of street sold drugs and charges cash, most wont even take insurance. If these pills work for u i guess i would stay just because you r getting alot of pills u can always stock away, just be careful n dont take too much or get hooked too bad. Now if u dont want these harder drugs and want nothing to do with extra pills or selling pills etc...then i would switch drs and find a legit dr who does the right thing..Just my opinion after reading your story. And by the way oxycodone mixed with xanax can be lethal and deadly so ya he def seems like a crooked dr, so just be careful about mixing too much of these drugs together.I am from Philly and i see this stuff quite a bit being in a big city filled with drugs and the storys i hear sound exactly like yours. Hope that helps...
I have RSD/CRPS, Fibromyalgia, Vulvodynia and am in constant burning pain. I hv been given Percocet, Vicodin, amitriptaline, Toradol, Tramadol and nothing even touches the pain. I've had injectiions by pain specialists as well. No one helps me and no one cares. I wear lidoderm patches, and take gabapentin, indocin for imflammation. I go to my gp tmrw hopefully for oxy's. Don't know if they will help. I go to chiropractor and p/t and a hypnothrapist for pain mgmt. Yeah, right. I also take peobiotics, omega oil, nopalea juice, coconut oil, etc. Someone needs to find a cure for RSD. It is the worst pain, equivalent to a limb amputation but it never goes away.
Pita's comment isn't "basically" right it IS right.
I to have RSD/CRPS and multi. other pain issues. They have me on klonipin 1mg er and a antidepressant. If you look it up that is the treatment.
Yes, i have the same problems as you and they are giving me 30mg of oxycontin twice a day.
Oxycodone 30 mg is the same as oxycontin, the only difference in the two is oxycontin is a time released drug and the oxycodone is immediate release. Hope that helps
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