Diacort Nifuroxazid
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Is Discord an actual antibiotic that kills good bacteria as well as the bad? Also is it something that you have to finish a prescription all the way like a regular prescribed antibiotic? I'm in Costa Rica and want to avoid a regular antibiotic. I've been to the Dr. Twice for stomach issues...diareah cramping and altho it's gotten better I'm not convinced that the bacteria virus parasites or whatever I have is fully gone. I have taken a couple pro biotic brands and topron Dr prescribed. I finished it all and went back to the pharmacist and she gave me discort and multiflora probiotics. What do you think? I was sick at the beginning of my trip with an upper respitory infection and was on a real antibiotic and is probably the reason I got sick with my stomach killing all my good bacteria. I'd rather not take another real antibiotic.

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I have diarrhea. I take one capsule of Diacort and diarrhea dies down for a few days...Until I take another..I also developed a of congestion.should I take Diacort everyday?

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Yes, it is an actual antibiotic that is most commonly used to treat urinary tract infections.

The U.S. FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and stomach pain.

However, antibiotics may not be the reason you became sick. If you already had an infection, your immunity was likely already lowered, which made you more susceptible to other infections.

Are you on any other medications?

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