Detoxing Off Of Norco And All Other Meds (Top voted first)


Due to a few episodes of delusion, confusion I decided to wean off of all my pain related meds. I just stopped takingSerequel, weaning off of Norco which I have taken for 13 years following 2 disc surgeries. I also was taking Seroquel, Ritalin, Morphine as needed, oxycontic, as needed, and this is my 3rd day and I am having terrible withdrawal. My body feels like it is someone else's and when I take the Norco down to 8 a day from 10-12 those feelings go away. I am suffering. Any advice???

3 Replies

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When you have been taking high doses of narcotics and try to abruptly cut down or stop taking them, even though you were not abusing them, you will experience withdrawal effects, because your body is used to having these substances and has become dependent on them.

This is actually true of any medication, not even just narcotics.

You may experience: nausea, dizziness, headaches,diarrhea and rebound pain.

Have you tried consulting your doctor? Usually a very slow taper schedule is best and your doctor can help you with that.

There is no method, however, that will do way with all the withdrawal symptoms, you will still experience some, either way. Your doctor will best be in a position to help you with this and design a taper schedule that should work best for you.


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thank you, I am doing very well and down t 6/day . I have consulted my doctor and we are working it out together. Thanks for your post .

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Hi there - i hope this finds you feeling better! I've had 3 back surgeries and am about to have 2 more - my question to you is: did you have a FUSION or a TOTAL DISC REPLACEMENT? and show are you feeling now? I'm at 10 Norcross a day and am scared fondest of getting off them - is there some other pain pill that is effective but not as addictive?

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