Deplin Eqivalent? (Top voted first)


My psychiatrist prescribed deplin cap to work alongside my antidepressant. The pharmacist dispensed Deplin, but noted there was a generic available om the Rx label. On a folllow-up with another pharmacist at the same site, Iwas told there is No generic, but there is a different drug which has the same effective ingredients, but is not approved as a generic for Deplin. Should I pay the $145 for my part of a 90 day script for Deplin, or get my Doctor to spend the time looking for the non-Deplin (maybe) substitute? Generics only cost me $12 for a 90 day supply The Deplin seems to be working very well, and might be worth the $500+ annual added cost?

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Check the other question on this site regarding "is deplin generic?"

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There is a website where you can get it for $58? Your Dr needs to send them the Rx. BDH. I got 90 for $58. My doc says she found another for ?$35 but I didn't get the name yet. Also. It's NOT generic it's brand name deplin.
Good luck. It's worth it.

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Hello, Joe! How are you?

Deplin is just a folate supplement. It has been found to help some medications work better, mainly psychoactive drugs. However, in theory any similar one should work, but it would be best to double check that with your doctor, before trying it.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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