Delotta (Top voted first)


small white pill with 4 on one side & m on the other

7 Replies

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please tell me about delotta. thanks

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i need help on identifying the pill delotta thanks!

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I just took my first (half) one ever!!!!

I'll tell more details soon. :) Im excited.

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The correct pill name is actually Dilaudid, it is Hydromorphone, a very strong narcotic pain reliever.

Pill Image

This is equivelent to or stronger than Morphine. Highly addictive, dangerous to use without a doctor's prescription and supervision.

If you are not used to using narcotics, you should not just suddenly start with these as they can cause adverse affects such as respiratory depression.

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I have a compressed spinal disc at S1 & herniated disc at L5 that causes severe pain even after sleeping at night on a good mattress. NOW at the age of 43 feel like I'm falling apart and too much extreme sport abuse during my twenty years of racing BMX. I now have Bursitis in my left shoulder that shoots sharp pain down. I just took my first delaudid 4 (took the snort for quicker reaction (yes I've taken narcotics before from all the broken bones I've suffered from my past-time sport... so I know what works and what doesn't. Yes it is VERY powerful and long lasting over what I was always given before - short lasting one to two hours of pain relief from Oxycodone (Percocet). Now I'm able to bend and move in the morning. Usually I just take one a day in the morning and stretch and do yoga, plus I'm an avid road biker. I have to wait about two hours before I go out cause it hits me pretty hard. Be careful if you haven't had anything this strong before, don't be stupid and drive until its out of your system!

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If you no some one abusing them what do you do ? and they have a child and the police were there an abulance .This child is in danger one of there people that live there came to and told me and the mom is also shooting it

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it's pretty much useless unless you IV it. but when IV'd, it produces a very strong, clean feeling, rush, and if u do enough... a heavy euphoric nod.

not condoning it.... but people will do it either way. i just preach safety. always use clean rigs, dont share rigs, KEEP IT CLEAN.

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