Delayed Period Why


Delayed period for a week. Did pregancy test after 4th day but negative. What can be the problem?

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My period has been delayed for two weeks and i did a pregnancy check and it's negative. Please advise what to do moving forward?

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I am delayed by two days. What medicine should i take for an irregular period?

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I used Vitamin E to help me in boosting my chance of conception but to my surprise, after my last menstruation my next cycle seized with just whitish discharge. Please tell me what could be the problem?

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I saw my period from July 16th to 18th and am supposed to see it Aug 10th. I am 10 days late and I have not seen it though I have not had intercourse since January. I have been taking folic acid for more than 3 months and started M2 tone 10 days after my last period and am still taking it till date. What could be the cause of my delayed period?

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