Decided To Home Detox On 8mgs Of Naltrexone
UpdatedAfter diagnosis of lupus... been on hydrocodone and percocets for 4 years now... up to 40 a day at 10mg.... to say the least I'm over that addiction. However... after thinking it through...I decided to start the process.... last night was the worst night of my life! From extreme stomach pain to violent diarrhea and vomiting... to chills sweat and again the runs... wow!.. now it's time again to think about taking 8mgs more of naltrexone....? Should I? Would you?
2 Replies
Naltrexone only prevents you from taking opiates, because it prevents them from having an effect. It actually does nothing to help prevent the withdrawal effects.
As a matter of fact, if you took it too close to having taken the last narcotics, so you weren't in full withdrawal, it may have thrown you into precipitate withdrawals, which could explain why you were so miserable.
The FDA lists the typical side effects of Naltrexone as possibly including nausea, loss of appetite, headache, insomnia and reckless behavior.
Have you consulted your doctor for assistance?
Yes I was under the vague guidance of my psychiatrist. .. he after me explaining what I went through suggested against a second day... so for Saturday and Sunday I've taken 1/2 my normal amount of hydrocodones.. I'm now trying to taper off slowly and will again try the naltrexone next weekend? ? With the aid of clonodine and or xanax....?? I'm thinking that if this attempt is failed.... I'll do inpatient detox...
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