Dark Blue 30 Mg Oxycodone With A 215 On It (Top voted first)


Are there dark blue A 215 30mg oxycodone from canada or is it fake????????????????

4 Replies

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are the A 215 oxy dark blue fake i am worried i got bad ones

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Hey guys,

To answer your question about the blue colored "A 215" pill, this is actually a legitimate 30mg Oxycodone tablet manufactured by Actavis here in the U.S. For verification, the letter "A" is sitting above the number "215", separated by a horizontal score line (or divider) in the middle.

You can also look up its National Drug Code of 52152-0215, for more specific details on inactive ingredients as well.

I hope this info helps! Was this something you originally had shipped over from Canada?

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R the light blue ones fake ALOT of people r telling me there fake..

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most are fake and almost impossible to spot by the eye now, they have gotten good with fakes. the reason these are faked so much? they are expensive on the street.

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