Daphne Pills With No Menstruation (Page 4)
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Last june 2013 i started using daphne pills..I last took the tablet on july 3. And until now i dont have menstruation yet, its 10 days now. I sooo scared..i havent taken anything yet. I already have contact with my husband. Am I fertile or not? What should i do?

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i have been using trust pills for 2 and half years then i stopped last nov.30 after my menstruation of november. the whole month of november we do not have any contact with my boyfriend then we had unprotected intercourse last dec.15, what should i do is it safe or not? i need an answer while it still early...

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Hi, Jeryln! How are you?

It can be normal for your cycle to be off, when you are new to taking hormonal contraceptives.

However, did you have contact with your husband during the week you first started them, without using other protection? Because it takes them a week to become effective, unless you start them the first day of your menstruation.

And after not having one, you should have started a new pack on the same day as usual and contacted your doctor for further instructions. If you didn't start a new pack, when you should have, then you are no longer protected against pregnancy.

Have you done a test and contacted your doctor, yet?

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