Cure From Phensedyl (Top voted first)


I am dependent on phensedyl, how i could cure from it? Every day i have to take 200ml, i have tried to leave it for several times, please mention some medicine which help me to taper off phensedyl.

26 Replies (2 Pages)

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I want to know the varios side efects inlong term adverse effects if one takes Phensedyl cough syrup regularly and is addicted to it added with consumption of alchol

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amar bari bangladesh er kono 1 simato elakay. ami motamuti 3years jabot dyl khai.
phensedyl khan o amake upovog korun. 5bottle phensedyl er binimoye ami physical relation kore thaki. amar details jante response korun...

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howar po.. maal khaw .. pinic low.. abar charte chow? gua dia phensedyl er bottle dhukaya dimu.. pinic kora bad dow.. dyl chaira dite parba.. r hower pola 89 rs phesedyl boila bole 67 rupees dia corex khay!!!! shalar malu kanjush. boka choda amra koto koira khai janos ?? 2000tk.. Maal khaite buker pata lage.. tor moto stupid maal khaite parbo na

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i am taking phensidyl for last 5 years and now i want to leave it. Is there any easy option how can i get rid of this problem. Please suggest...

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Hi, Can anyone suggest me from past 1 month i used to take Phynsedyle coug syrup..2 doses per day. If i take before going to bed i get very nice sleep, as well i wont feel any difficulty while sleeping, i didnt take then i feel very difficult to breath,

Can anyone tell me is that ok to take? what are all the side effect due to this syrup???

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I have figured out how to stop and I would like to share my story with you, it works 100%. First off, my backround, I used to be addicted to Cocaine, Weed, Exctasy etc, about 5 years ago I was saved and have been clean from those drugs ever since. 3 years ago I developed a cough and went to the pharmacist, he gave me a bottle of Phensydol 100ml. I used it off and on for about a year and then for two years I had a bottle and a half to a bottle 100ml a day. I know crazy hey? But anyone who is reading this and uses this dark medicine will know what I am talking about when I say that there is no better feeling than chilling with a bottle of this stuff, sipping on it slowly, working the night away on the pc or just chilling watching a movie. Eventually you need it just to be sociable and eventually you do not want anyone else in your space but your phensydol. Yes I lost a s***load of weight and yes, constipation caused by this stuff can be very painfull. Regardless, I continued to use.

There was no major day of reckoning or spectacular life altering event that caused me to want to stop. I just got fed up and thoughts came back to me of how the Lord had saved me from those other drugs. I obviously fealt guilt for a long period of time but with phen it is easy to just take another swig and put the guilt on the backburner.

Now for my cure. Day 1 make sure you have 1 bottle of phensydal, a box of syndols 24 pills should do and get yourself a bottle of Benylyn with codeine, also, get yourself a bottle of Melatonin tablets(freely available and they help with the nightmares, also they are a natural chemical in the brain that is secreted. Yes I know what your thinking, just keep reading.

Day 1: Now sip your phensydol very slowly, it needs to last 2days. Already you will feel your mind saying you cannot do this, bulls*** you can. Finish only half the bottle in the first day and at night take 2 syndols and a tablet of melotonin. The nightmares on the first night are a bit rough but just pray and the Lord Will deliver you from them.

Day 2: Now this is very important, drink a lot of water, +- 2 litres during the day. Finish your bottle of Phensydol by slowly sipping the second half. Take two-3 teaspoons of Benylin should you feel your courage failing but do not buy another bottle of this phensydol you will be runing your commitment and breaking your will power. Same as night before take some syndols(2-4) spaced out during the day in incriments of 2 should do it. Also take 1 tablet of melatonin.

Day 3: This is a very strategically improtant day and can forecast the outcome of your whole quitting mission. Today you will crave the dyl like a son of a gun. Your mind will try convince you that you need it. Do not go buy anymore otherwise you are screwed. If you have to wet your pallet so to speak, take some benelyn as much as you need but not too much(a sip now and then when the craving or mind cufunctualtions get overboard) Try keep your hands busy with some gardening. Do not sleep during the day you will feel it at night. Take 2 syndols in the morning, two in the afternoon and two at night. Pray and read your Holy Bible or any book of great spiritual fortitude and wisdom. It will give you strength even when you think you do not understand the words on the page. Drink lank water. Okay, you will probably have your first really good poo you have had in ages today. This is one of the rewards of quitting dyl, you can actually s***. Take it as a reward, not a curse. And now you know your body is finally getting rid of the major toxin build up. Same routine at night, 2 syndols, tablet of melotonin and a few sips of benelyn(benelin should be finished by the evening of day 4). Whatever you do, do not go buy anymore phensydol at this stage, if you do, you are really screwed.
Day 4: This day will feel STRANGE, I cannot describe it any other way. You are now becoming human again. You will feel like your face bone structure is changing and your teeth are re aligning themselves, not in a painfull way, just a STRANGE way. Emotions will start to be fealt once again(That long lost girlfriend, that dood you swore at for begging, that scene in the chemist when the guy would not give you anymore phensysdol etc). This is mind game bulls*** and it will pass after a week or so(no matter how many years you been on the dyl), do not listen to this depression it is lies and can convince you to kill your own dog for another bottle. Pray, no you are not a s***ty human being, you just been conned by a proffesional lier, the king of deceipt(Yes he does exist, I have seen demons pulled from people and seen people cured of drug addiction, but no matter how strong your belief is you can still be conned, thank goodness for Forgiveness of all mankind hey?) Anyways, I am getting off track here, Today you need to drop your syndol intake and finish your bottle of benylin(the remaining 1/4, do not buy anymore). Take two syndols in the afternoon and two at night, finish you benylin by evening and as usual take atablet of melotonin before sleep. Drink lots of water. Deal with the emotions, you are not a two year old.
Day 5: Only take two syndols today in the evening and do not by any means buy another bottle of liquid medicine you are only conning yourself if you do this. If push come to shove and only in the rare occasion, get a box of grandpa's powder(contains no codeine but helps the mind feel less erratic) And is you feel it getting a bit much, take a powder with a glass of energade or water. Do not drink any alcohol during this period because you will feel even more depressed than you need to, it lowers the moisture in your brain, gives you a big headache and you might lose all inhibition and buy another bottle of Dyl. Same as before in the evening take 2 syndols, melatonin, lots of water and keep busy.

Day 6: Congratulations, you will wake up in the morning, and hear the birds singing, while some side effects remain for +- 2 weeks, you are now over the hill. If not, for the mean time, substitute grandpa's and two syndols at night. Continue taking the melatonin for the next month and then gradually drop all the other substitute medication(Grandpa's, Syndols and Melatonin). After 2 months, you will have a wonderfull rosy personallity, your income will be doubled, if you start training with weights and jogging, you will have a wonderfull physique, man everything will be just flippen awesome once you make it over that hill.

Keep up with the prayer, I have not emphasized how important my Saviour Jesus Christ has been for me in this whole process for fear of scaring away those Muslim, Hindu brothers and sisters. But I have Hindu Brothers and sisters who are strangely enough also Christian and I will tell you now there is no harm in Believing and knowing Your Saviour. For me, ther is no other way, I know Him to be Real for I have seen acts in His Name and felt His Holy Spirit. I cannot convince you He exists because for Me that would be trying to question His existence in my own mind so I can understand how to describe His existence to someone who does not know He exists. If you know what I mean. Anywyas, this guide has worked for me for this Phensydol and if you can just not go buy that next bottle and you use this substitute method above, I can vurtually ensure you this will work. I decide to write this here because after looking through this forum I was so angered by the doctors just suggesting that you go into hospital. Nonsense, they are just scared of giving advice that leads to the 1 in 1millionth person that has adverse effects to withdrawls and has some sort of bumb spasm. They will then be held liable according to the Hypocratic oath. People, Listen and listen good, stop this medicine and open your world up to life, glorious, colorfull life, hard at times but still flippen amazing, stunning. Follow this guide to the letter and you will not go wrong, I do not care if you are 60 or 16, a few people I have shown and helped, specifically with Dyll in similar circumstances to myself have done this and it worked for them. If you go through life taking this medicine you are cheating yourself out of unimaginable happiness. If you die withought quitting now, well then my friends I will not judge and yes you might have salvation but you will certainly regret not living the life that was planned for you(the love, the happiness, the sadness, the wife, the kids, the pets, the births, the deaths will all pass you by in a second if you do not stop now) . Good luck to you all on this horrid stuff, after a clean month you will hate this medicine. No matter how hard it gets, and it will not get that bad, stick to your innitial plan of stopping. Do not judge yourself, go for it and remember you too can get up. When you doubt just hear the Angles saying, "Get up, Get Up, You son of gun, because you are not done, not today"

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Bro, 5 years may seem a long time on Phensydyl but I tell you know, the human body is very resilient and even though in your mind it seems like a huge task, and maybe you are scared but that is just the cough syrup and habit of taking it telling you lies. If you go cold turkey and stop today, in two weeks time you will feel bright as the day and will be able to sleep at night. There is no easy cure nor is there no easy medicine to fix this addiction. You have to want to stop so desperately that every sip of that stuff you take makes you feel like you are doing a great sin. Only then will you have enough courage to stop. The first 2 days are difficuly but you can take Grandpa's and lots of water. Sleeping will be difficult. But, and this is the weirdest thing, after the 1st 2weeks it is easy going and you do not really think about the medicine after that. It is just the 1st one and a half weeks, forcing yourself not to take the stuff. Good Luck bro, you can do it if you really want a proper and happy life.

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Do not afraid about leaving this addiction.dnt think too much ngtv or dnt take another medicines.its all about your will power.i was badly in addiction of phensydl,i take ths lyf threating mdcn frm 6-7years long,nothing can stoped me bt my will power i am totally free from it.see my post which i posted before 1month.
25th day is running without taking a single drop of ths sht.
And reaction is less & day by day i am getting my normal lyf back.

In Sha Allah after 3months (human blood take 3months to exchange into new blood) i will be totally get rid from it.

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I took it for 9 Years, sometimes 05 bottle a day. I am not taking it since last 4 years. I got rid off that s***. But even after that my mind try to trick. Look i searched the google and got here....!!!!! Mates it's a continuous process to help yourself, keep your mind tidy. Best of luck guys

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@Boisakhi tomar sate contact korar way ke

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Hi I am habbit bad corex syrup leave p please help

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plz send corex cough syrup in bangladesh. because it can use this insted of pensedyl.

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sunny, u may use phensedyl syrup to avoid to consume corex syrup. so ok carry on......

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Mama & mamy ra Dayl kemne banay

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hiii, plz call me i will gv u phensedyl or corex

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chodna, ra charte laile dhorla ken, phensydyl hoilo behester sharbat amr daily 4 bottole lagey? r boishakhi tumi amr sathe partnar shipe khaite paro? lagle amre ph dio.

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Rate: 700 tk
Name: Imdat
Mobile: 01{edited for privacy}
Place: Collage Gate, Dhaka

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cold turkey!!!!!!

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about 2 years(2011-2012) I take it daily & slowly in the year of 2013 I don't take it daily but weekly i take it & that's the problem has started when I don't take it 1 month I suffer so much problem like headache @ all body pain@ fever....what I do plz plz tell me????

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Hi, recently my bestfriend died for phensedyl acddiction,he damaged his kedney and heart. He use to take 3/4bottles of phensedyl everyday.
I also use to take 1 n half bottle per i want to totally quit all this sh*t taking. He died before 3 days.i want to leave this addiction quitly,without taking any medicine can i quit this? For three days i am taking this only one tym 2spoons per day.please help me.

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