Cronic Pain After Neck Surgery 3 Disks Fused On Tiatanium After 10yrs Of Waiiting For Surgery


I have gone through every pain killer from starting with vicodine,norco,oxycontin,morphine dialudid 8s have been the only thing that i can have a semi nornal day im also taking 4 somas a day and gabapenton 800mgs a day also 4 a day i would not wish this on my worst enemy also doc told me i could be in wheelchair by 60 im already 53

5 Replies

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Hello, Cindy! Sorry about the pain that you're in, that's awful!

Have you tried Fentanyl? It's a very potent narcotic, over 80 times stronger than Morphine and it's available in a patch that is time released and worn for either 2 or 3 days, depending on the severity of pain.

Learn more Fentanyl details here.

Another alternative would be to look into getting a pain pump, which is basically an implanted device that delivers pain medications intravenously, as needed.

Are you in pain management?

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Did you need a prescription for fentanyl?

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My doc gives me jurnista to drink for the pain yesterday. I drink it with epleptin and hope it will help

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Never use the pump I and many others now paralyzed as a result. NOT GOOD

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This may sound silly, but you need to work 800 mgs of Ibuprofen every 6 hrs. Into your schedule. With the narcotics, it WILL does for me, and I take fentanyl, methadkne, hydromorphone, and 3200 mgs of Gabapentin a day also..

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