Contrave And Crazy Dreams
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I have been having extremely vivid dreams on Contrave. Some cause me to wake up mid dream. Also noticed that I had to sleep about 20 hours on Sunday after drinking Saturday night. Anyone else seeing these side effects and should I be concerned?

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I am on my 3rd week (3 a day) and I have been having the same vivid sometimes scary dreams. I’m hoping they subside at some point. I already struggle with sleep issues. Waking myself out of these wild dreams makes my sleep even worse.

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I started Contrave 5 weeks ago and have had great results with almist no side affects. I had been dieting for 2 months prior and was having very slow results. I am now losing on average over 1 lb per week. My only side effects is very vivid and sometimes upsetting dreams.

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I seem to be adjusting. Still having vivid dreams, but not so scary that they wake me up. I've been limiting alcohol intake and I have a lot more energy. I actually feel great. No weight loss yet. Starting a new more aggressive exercise routine so maybe that will help.

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Those can be normal side effects, alcohol tends to intensify them, according to NIH reports, which is why you are usually told not to imbibe, while taking any prescription medications. It could also cause you to experience more nausea, dizziness, and diarrhea than normal.

How are you feeling, now? Has there been any change?

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