Contract Violations
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Does anyone know how long it take might take if someone has been kick out of a doctors care for violation of contract? To be able to go to another doctor from pain management?

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Doctors can bend you all over the place with a pain contract. I wasn't seen for a year and a half at a hospital. Then, when I was seen, the doctor reduced my script down to one third of what I had been taking- unannounced. What I was getting was coming in late and I ended up in ER over withdrawal symptoms. The alternatives listed in the contract allowed him to fill up all of my time with alternatives- none of which I hadn't tried before. This included an exhausting number of contacts including every Moe, Larry and Curly in the psych department, social services, physical therapy, stress management classes. Your answer, and I am certain that lawyers will agree, is that the underlying determinant lies in the key word in the contract- RESPONSIBILITY. The doctor/patient relationship is just that- an agreement and a working partnership between the tow of you. Violations are happening on both sides of the fence. Make sure you keep permanent records of your medical file. Don

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Hello, CeRa! How are you?

Unfortunately, it is noted in her medical records and they are permanent, so it's going to be difficult to find another doctor that will be willing to take her on as a patient, if she finds one that will, she's most likely going to only be given the bare minimum of medications and will have to agree to a very strict treatment contract involving frequent office visits.

The only way it would be reported to the PDMP is if she was abusing or selling prescription medications, so no this most likely wasn't sent to that database.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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It's for a friend who violated her contract with a hot UA, positive for meth. It has been 3 yrs. She was seeing a PCP. She wants to start to see a pain management doctor. But she's afraid it will come back to haunt her. Also if the doctors notify the PDMP as well? I have a pain doc that I see monthly, but I'm not going to recommend her if that is in her past.

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