Constipation With M357
UpdatedAm taking M357 four times/day, have constipatin with some relief should I continue the M357
1 Reply
The tablet with the M357 marking is a generic for Vicodin/Lortab, which contains 5mgs of Hydrocodone and 500mgs of Acetaminophen.
Since this is a narcotic pain reliever, constipation is an expected side effect and can usually be relieved by taking a fiber supplement.
However, this is really a take as needed medication, since it's for pain, not something that you have to take regularly all the time. But as to whether or not you should stop it, that's something that only you and your doctor can decide.
Are you new to taking this?
In case you don't know much about it, you can learn more Vicodin details here.
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