Concerns About Taking Lyrica
Updated, I started taking 75 mg at day about a week a go i was drowsy and could not sleep but it did took care of all my pain , now down to 25 mg twice at day ,some of my pain come back ,reading stories of people getting off o lyrica is scaring me terribly , will i have a hard time (being in such a low dossage )if i want to stop taking this medicine ? is it even worth it to be in it with all this horrible side effect i am reading people is having ? is my insomia going to go away ?
2 Replies
Hello, Maria! How are you?
There is no way to know if you will or will not have problems with any given medication, until you actually try it and find out. Everyone is different.
And the posts you've read about people having problems with it are actually a very small percentage of the people that have actually tried it. Most people do take it, without any problems, at all and some experience minor side effects that wear off, after their body adjusts to the medication.
Learn more Lyrica details here.
Most people just don't go hunt up a website to discuss their experiences with something. The people that do are usually the ones having some type of problem with it. That's why most of the comments you see on some sites about new stereo systems or TVs are people that hate them, but you'll notice the company is still in business….because the larger number of buyers have been happy, they just didn't think to say so.
And the withdrawal issues can usually be minimized by doing a slow taper, rather than stopping it abruptly.
Are there any other questions or concerns?
Hi My daughter has been on 75mg lyrica for a year for fibromyalgia an her constant pain. Its been a life saver apart from the foggy brain she complains about but she is still doing very well at vasity! this year they increased her dose to 75mg twice a day a low dose compared to others, and when she comes off it we will do it very slow! drop 25mg every 2 weeks! I stopped reading everyone remarks on it! if it helps use it and when you taper off do it very slow an i don't think you'll have any trouble.
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