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Hi, i was wondering do you suppose to take the last 4 brown pills or skip them and start the next pack with the white pills.. no other concerns with this birthcontrol been on this for a 2 years.

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Those are reminder pills and its iron not suger!! Its good to take them though but dnt think it matters if u call ur doc and ask

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This will be my first time using this pill. I just got my period Monday, yesterday. When should I start the first pill? Should I wait on Sunday and begin the first pill? Or should I start taking Tuesday pill now and don't take Sun and Mon since those days past. I have a cyst so my OBGYN recommend for me to be on BC pills.

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That is correct, there is no harm in skipping the placebo pills, as long as you remember to start the new pack on the appropriate day.

They are really just put in there as reminder pills to keep women in the habit of taking them daily.


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I never take the brown pills. They're just sugar pills. I wait until Sunday to start the new pack. I've been taking this birth control for two years. It doesn't hurt you if you don't take them.

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