Common Sense With Medications (Top voted first)


I've visited many forms on different medications & it is obvious that one medication can be a god send for some & a horror show for others. Obvious conclusion: If one has unwanted symptoms & wishes to be rid of them or lessen them then you must "experiment" until (if ever) you find the correct medication (for YOU) & the proper dosage. This "search" means you may occasionally encounter unpleasant side effects. This is a consequence of the "search" for your own personal "holy grail". If you are not willing to go through this just remain with your unpleasant bodily symptoms. The reasonable, common sense person is aware that doctors & medicines are at best a slight but well meaning aid to many ailments. As time goes on they will become more effective. It is up to you to take charge of the search for your own particular dilema not just sit back & expect some outside entity to "presto" solve your problem. All in all it depends upon how serious you are.

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Very wise words, The Gunney! Thank you for posting.

Something else that I always find myself having to point out to people is that no one, not even your doctor can force you to keep taking anything! You are not obligated to take anything they prescribe or suggest anymore than they are obligated to keep prescribing it and treating you.

It is always your right to refuse a treatment, unless you're not of sound mind and it is also always your right to pursue other means of treatment, to switch doctors and/or to get another opinion regarding your medical condition.

Does anyone else have anything to add?

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So true! If I was not In So much pain and if I had an advocate, I would never had gone through what I did in my last post! I had to learn the hard way! I hope my post helps others!

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