Coming Off Neurotin (Top voted first)


Okay, I am a recovering drug addict. I was on Oxycontin and Methadone and Lorazapam. I was taking all of that for about six years and then decided to quit cold turkey. I went through horrible withdrawals in my room by myself for about two weeks.

Now I have been on Neurotin for six years and I have to come off of it b/c I have lost insurance. I take up to 3400mg a day. How do I come off of this? And how bad are the withdrawals going to be? If you know, is it as bad as coming off opiates because that was pure hell!

2 Replies

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Hello, Layla! How are you?

Neurontin as actually an anticonvulsant, so while it isn't addictive like a narcotic, a sudden withdrawal could cause some severe mood swings, depression and creates the risk of seizures, so it needs to be tapered very slowly.

The modern preferred method is usually to have the patient start skipping doses, while gradually lowering them.

However, only your doctor can help you decide what is the safest method for you. The best thing to do would be to consult them, before you run out.

Are you on any other medications or just this one?

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The only other medication I am on is Klonopin. It's the only medication that I will be able to afford once my insurance begins to make cuts starting next month. I will talk to my doctor about coming off Neurotin. I do not want to shock my system or anything. I take it for pain and mood swings. I came off Risperdal and Celexa suddenly and it caused me a great deal of depression and stress. I would love to stay on Neurotin because it is a really great medication but it all comes down to the lack of money right now. Thank you for the information. It has been very helpful.

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