Cognix Plus Tablet
UpdatedI am having constant noise in the ear. Tinnitus is supected to the cause of the problem. Can I take Cognix Plus tabs. What is it made of?
5 Replies
Cognex contains the active ingredient Tacrine, it is used to treat Alzheimers and other cognitive issues.
As to its safety, I do not know, since it is not used in the U.S. and the information I can find on it is limited.
I am not certain how much it will help with Tinnitus, has your doctor recommended you use it?
i have been suffering from impaired hearing problem which seriously affected my career, wud like to know about proper treatment..thanks...
Pradeep, this site is not medical professionals and proper treatment will depend on exactly what is causing your hearing loss and how severe it is.
Have you consulted a doctor?
My father has imbalance and giddiness for last 2 weeks after bike accident. prescribed cognix plus it good for him
my mother is 76 a physician prescribed her tablet cognix and she taking it from last one month and its working good, recently we taken her to a psychiatric and prescribed her tab exelon, Now can i give her both tablets?
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