Clonidine - Too Many Pills
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I gave my mom 2 clonidine 0.1 mg and she is only supposed to have one every 8 hours. Will she be OK or do I need her to get her to the hospital?

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She will be just fine that's just like giving her nothing at all

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Hi Marilyn,

Sorry to hear about your situation. I realize you posted this back on November 26th and today is December 11th. How is your mom doing now?

My assumption is that she may have been fine after the Clonidine wore off - but I do think it's always a good idea to either contact the prescribing doctor, a pharmacist, and/or poison control in the event of an overdose; even if it's acute. These medical personnel could offer recommendations to help mitigate any possible symptoms associated with taking too much.

And this might sound corny, but since Clonidine lowers blood pressure, I would imagine that finding ways to keep her heart rate up through the duration of the drug's half-life might've been a plausible approach at that moment in time? I guess that's just something I would think to do in such a predicament as a means to counteract the Clonidine; though I don't know if there's any clinical significance to it.

Wishing you both good health and happy holidays!

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