Clonidine Positive Test
UpdatedClonidine does test positive I've been going to outpatient and I'm on vivitrol which is an opioid inhibitor and i do a drug screens everyday. I'm on clonidine and gabapentin for withdrawals and my drug screens test positive for bup.
4 Replies
When you say its comes up at Burp. are you meaning the ingredient in Suboxone.
What can you clonidine show up as in your urine? It was a panel dip test and it is being sent to the lab, it's not being tested specifically for clonidine so can it show up as anything else(it was a white oval #,02 ome ? when that is the only thing being taken?
Note... it is never medically necessary to perform drug testing everyday. This is an excessive and abusive billing practice by your health care provider. If this occurring, seek treatment somewhere else as this provider is likely not providing the best care possible for you.
I took a urine test this past week. Had been prescribed clonidine. Results came back as 3ng of buprenorphine, and 15 ng of norbuprenorphine. How can this be?
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