Clonidine, Blood Pressure
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I have been on clonidine now for approx 10 months, for high blood pressure. The doctors had tried several other medications but I had so many reactions and issues we decided that the clonidine patch would work best and it has. Yes there is some fatigue and some up and down numbers but in general I have done well. MY BP was all stress related , no non medical reason. So in the past couple of months have been able to alleviate most of the stress (refinance) and I started 500mg magnesium daily and within a month my BP is getting lower and lower and lower. I was wearing 4mg of clonidine and taking (2) 1mg pills during the day as needed. Now I am down to only 2mg a day and still my BP is staying below 115/64 which is vampire state for me. (my numbers were up in the 180/100 range) sooooooooooo.... why now.. why am I now low and staying low to the point of having to reduce my dosage. Has this happened to anyone else. I will be calling my doctor at the end of the week and get his take on this.

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good, glad to know its not just me. I do have a headache from hell from the withdrawal but my numbers are still good, holding around 120/70.... so I will just suffer thru the headache. I have removed the patches very slowly as not to cause rebound BP which is a major issue with this patch but so far so good. I sent my stats to my Dr today and they are reviewing...

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Hello, Patti! How are you?

Oh yes, I've experienced very similar issues, though on different blood pressure/cardiac medications and eventually had to lower them down to just a maintenance dose to keep my blood pressure from spiking up, again.

It is normal, because once your blood pressure comes down, the medication doesn't stop working, it still does its full job and will need to be adjusted by your doctor, until you find the maintenance dose that keeps your blood pressure where it should be, without going too low.

The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as also possibly including nausea, dizziness, slow heart rate, mood changes and constipation.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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