Class Action Suit
UpdatedMy wife is now on her 3rd bout with C. Diff. treated with Flagyl and Vancamycin She has been in some degree of pain for over 6 months and has dealt with diareha during this time. She has taken probiotic with very little help. She also spent 9 days in the hospital and according to her GI was very close to losing a bowel
9 Replies
Is she doing any better?
Clostridium Difficile has been known to occur, after someone is treated with a broad spectrum antibiotic, such as Clindamycin.
You can learn more about C-Difficile and the treatment options here:
Hi there. My father went through this also. Have you tried the specific probiotic S.Boulardii? You can find it in most healthfood stores sometimes listed as "Hospital Defence". Google Saccharomyces boulardii.
I have c diff, 7 months so far, did you get anywhere with a class action suit? Do you know if anyone has had one against the drug companies, or just the hospitals, or doctors? Thank you
Verone (sp?) ... I had c.diff. 3 documented times. I was able to get over it the first 2 times with Flagyl. The 3rd bout lasted over a year. Flagyl failed and made me vomit. Then onto Vanco which also failed. The 3rd treatment in the list of them on every medical website I went to is to undergo IVIG transfusions. My dr ordered blood tests on my immune system and it was all very low. I have been having these transfusions once a month since August 2011. In addition to her never taking clindomycin EVER again, don't take any antibiotics. In the fluoqinazole family ... I am pretty sure I just spelled that word wrong but important to know what antibiotics will cause it again. Good luck.
Long Story..I went to a Dentist January 2012. I had 2 teeth pulled and a tiny spot of Gengivitis. They gave me Clindamycin because I am alergic to Penicillin. I took the Prescription. Three days after the pills were gone..I started with cramping and diarrhea.
This went on for a long time....I thought I had the flu. Went to the emergency room and they did all kinds of test. I must have used the bathroom for 25 to 30times. They finally had me do a stool sample....The doctor and 2 nurses hooked me up with IV's. The doctor asked me if I had seen a dentist lately...Clindamycin showed in the toxicology report. They put me on Flagyl...and sent me home. They told me to come back right away if the symptoms didn't go away. I ended up again in the hospital march 15. 2012. I was there for 7 weeks. They put me in an induced coma for 5 days. They operated on me each day cutting me more and more. They were watching my small intestine dying....The last day the surgeon told my daughter... in my gut feeling I have to operate a little higher up her stomach. There was a Blood Clot in my SMA Artery to the Small Intestine that was blocking the blood flow to my in small intestine...I lost 4 1/2 feet...From all the rectal/diarrhea BLEEDING THATS WHAT CLINDAMYCIN DID TO ME. I have to take COUMADIN...BLOOD THINNERS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE BECAUSE IF THEY REMOVED THE WHOLE BLOOD CLOT I WOULD HAVE BLED TO DEATH.......I STILL HAVE EPISODES NOW AND THEN. I STILL HAVE TO WATCH WHAT I EAT......THE DIET IS VERY IMPORTANT WITH ALL THIS...THANKS FOR THE TIME. THERE IS SO MUCH MORE I CAN TELL YOU. IF THE SURGEON DIDN'T OPERATE THAT 5TH DAY..I WOULD HAVE BEEN WITH A FEEDING TUBE AND COLOSTOMY FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. VENTURA COUNTY MEDICAL CENTER...VENTURA, CALIFORNIA...TEACHING HOSPITAL FOR UCLA MEDICAL CENTER LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA....
ASAP> I don't know if you are still reading these but with the probiotic did this fix the problem? I have had this condition now too long and to be honest I think the damage is done, my insides feel like they are in a constant battle for normalcy I have the S boulardi now but I've also put in place a yogurt regimine in my diet as well, but with this problem ongoing now for as long as it has I don't know what to do. The last thing I want to do is go to the doctor, cause yes I'm a man, and to be honest it was because of the doctors office I went to that I might now have this problem.
ASAP> I don't know if you are still reading these but with the probiotic did this fix the problem? I took about a 3 week dose but maybe less I'm not sure, cause I'm a man, lol If this worked can you tell me how much of the boulardi and dose your father took and for how long. My nutritionist tried to give guidance to this but it was in general, for bacteria balance. I have had this condition now too long and to be honest I think the damage is done, my insides feel like they are in a constant battle for normalcy I have the S boulardi now but I've also put in place a yogurt regimine in my diet as well, but with this problem ongoing now for as long as it has I don't know what to do. The last thing I want to do is go to the doctor, cause yes I'm a man, and to be honest it was because of the doctors office I went to that I might now have this problem.
The best probiotic around is VSL3. you take one sachet every day and keep it in the fridge. it is very powerful.
We had a similar issue with clindamycin my husband was given this for a possible tooth infection and ended up 25 days later with toxic mega colon and lost his large intestines and had a ilistomy bag place. Thank god for the amazing doctors at UC Davis medical center in Sacramento. It's been almost 2 years and my husband is still going through surgeries with blockages all because of the drug.
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