Class Action Against Purdue/hmo's/dea Reformulated Oxycontin (Page 3)
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'K. I'll try 2nd report about my personal experience and need for any help to find a Class Action Sit against Purdue and all invoved in the mistreatment of Chronic Pain Patients who have been prescribed the reformulated oxicontin OP. Some of my history of treatment for my Chronic Pain. I have suferred since 1980's : was prescribed Vicodin until I could no longer tolerate tylenol and was referred to the "Pain aClinic in my HMO. I was prescribed 80mg of Oxycontin and 5mg Oxycodone for break through pain. The intake Physician said that if I needed more to contact him. I was told at the time that Oxycontin/codone was entirely safe for the treatment of pain without the damagiing effects to the body. I was given injections to try to releive the pain but eventually I was told to see the Prescribing Physician for the Pain Medicine, When I visited that Dr. I told him that I would like to try a different med. and he worked out a titration schedule for going on Methodone. The Methodone did not work and made me ill; nausea,vomiting,stomach pain and more.I asked the Dr. to retitrate me back to Oxycontin. I was returned to Oxycontin at 40mg tabs every 8 hrs, which was far lower than the original dose. When I attended my next DR appointment, he asked" how I was doing on the REFORMULATED OXYCONTIN." I responded "IS THAT WHAT IS WRONG WITH IT??" IT DOSEN'T WORK" I reported the same side effects I had with Methodone; and that it did not treat my pain. The Dr has tried to push other things i.e., Fentenyl path and Lyrica. I have children whose experience with the Fentynol Patch was nery negetive and I refused this option. During my titration changes I received call from the Pain Dept.. Staff questioning everything possible about my medicine administration; "what was the dosage schedule for that weekD? What else was I doing to relieve the pain? On the 1-10 Pain Scale; the worst least and average. "whether I was constipated etc. The elapse time perion for all of this started early 2010 and continues. The Dr. refuses to treat my pain and continually reduces the strength and amount of this useless oxycontin-OP, which I refer to as Oxy-Placebo. There are RX Meds that I have requested in the past and was denied with the explanation of dangerous side effects, but now that I am continually ill, the Dr. has prescribed to me. This is a direct contradiction to his previous statements. The last conversation with this DR went nowhere and he has ordered a referral to see another DR fore a consult. I told him that I have little faith in a DR within the same HMO and beleive the physician are being given their "marching orders" by upper athorities. After enduring all of the pain and misinformation haded out by my HMO and no help in sight, I am hoping that this site will advise me of any
class Action suit to compensate honest people who trusted their Dr's for legitimate pain treatment. The unreformulated Oxycontin worked for me. I was able to conduct daily work. Now I am in constant pain, and side effects of "meds". I have been treated as an addict and humiliated by Dr's in other Dept's. as well as negative remarks by Pharmasists. I have worked hard all my life and approach 70 yrs. in age. I am ready to take action against Perdue, Kaiser permanente. and the DEA. This is a "Battle Cry" from someone who is a good fighter for a rightous cause. PLEASE ADVISE!!

43 Replies (3 Pages)

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Verwon - First I apologize for chatting with you awhile back and didn't get your login name right! Please accept my apology. Now, do you mean to tell me that the doctor that put me and others on this s**t can refuse or drop us as patients? How is that legal? I would go through withdrawal! And STILL BE IN PAIN. Please address this for me as I am being sent to a pain clinic next week. Do I have to accept what they offer? Or can I decline? Thank you in advance for your time!

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Purdue is not doing anything with our calls and complaints. Maybe we could do more - is there someone we could write that could help us?

Thank you.

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I am very sorry that you are suffering, I always hate to hear of people that are going through this.

However, first, the DEA actually has nothing to do with this, so it would be pointless to try to include them in any lawsuit. They do not have anything to do with approving any medications that are on the market or etc. The initials stand for Drug Enforcement Agency and they only deal with illegal drug activities, such as diversion and trafficking.

The agency that you would have to question for approving the new Oxycontin formulation would be the FDA. They are the ones that actually control what makes onto the market in the U.S.

On a further note, I have not found any information on any class action lawsuits in regards to the new Oxycontin formulation. In order for one to have grounds and get anywhere, those involved would have to be able to prove that when Purdue Pharma reformulated this medication, they did it with the intent to do harm to those that were using it.

Clearly, they didn't, they reformulated it in an attempt to prevent further harm to people by making it harder to abuse.

I am sorry, I realize that this is not what you want to actually hear, but it is, nonetheless, the truth.

It really seems that your biggest problem is with your doctors, rather than the drug manufacturer.

However, even in regards to that, your doctor isn't obligated to treat you or make sure you have pain relief. He doesn't actually have to prescribe anything. The only time a doctor is actually obligated to treat someone is if their life is in danger. At any time he chooses, he can decide to stop accepting you as a patient and/or refuse to continue to prescribe you any medications.

As to your problems with the Oxycontin, the best thing you can do is report these issues to both Purdue and the FDA, the more people that do so, the more attention will be paid to the problem. You can contact them at the following numbers:

Purdue Pharma number for drug safety/medication issues:


FDA MedWatch number:



Are there any other questions or comments?

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