Ciprofloxacin Hcl750 Mg Rx711what It Looks Like


i need to make sure what the pills look likeits name is ciprofloxacin hcl 750 mg with rx711 on them i want to make sure the are in the right bottle

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The ciprofloxacin i got is white long pill with CR500 on it.I got them at Walgreens.

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I have cipro for bladder infection it is red capsule with Teva 3147 on it. Is this cipro or something else

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The tablet with the RX 711 marking should be oblong and white. (750mgs)

The tablet with the CR 500 on it should also have an arrow on the opposite, oblong and white. (500mgs)

Ellen, that capsule is listed by Teva as containing 500mgs of Cephalexin, so it is a different antibiotic.

The FDA lists the typical antibiotic side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash, and diarrhea.

Was that the medication you were prescribed?

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