Ciprofloxacin Hcl 500 Mg Tab To Cure Malakopklakia


my friend just had a prostatectomy and the pathology report (additional findings were Malakoplakia & HGPIN, just wondering if Cipro can cure it and what mg and length of time would he need to take it. Thanks

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Hello, Chip! How are you?

Yes an antibiotic is usually used for this, but the specific one and the dosage required depends on the extent of the infection.

Has his doctor recommended an antibiotic?

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He is just beside himself because he looked up all types of things under the name and they were all listed as "very rare" etc. So I figured I would ask if this type of antibiotic was a cure for it? I heard that it was? Am I right? He had a prostatectomy and the post- up pathology report said additional findings were HGPIN & Malakoplakia. He said since the prostate was out of his body there is no need for concern but he is worried to death.

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I told him about this site and he said he would like to know how it got into his prostate? Any Answers? Please post them, Is it common?

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