Cilift Withdrawal Symptoms And What To Do (Page 5)
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I feel i am going mad! The only way I can explain how I feel is to say that it feels like vertigo - when you go over a very high bridge or look down from a very tall building. This wave comes from nowhere causing a momentary blackness, my arms go numb from my elbows to my hands and my feet do the same, I then get this awful feeling of butterflies in my chest and stomach. After a while it passes but it certainly doesn't seem to be going anywhere fast. How long will this go on? I am on Homeopathic treatment at moment.

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I took my very first (half a pill) of cilift yesterday, and thought I better do research, I did come across something about preganacy, and that cilift can seriously damage the babies lungs however this may not be correct so I suggest you speak to your GP about it though.

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I was on cilift for 2 years, went cold turkey now for 2 months, cilift made me put on 10 kg's. Am loosing now, 5http is the best replacement no side effects.

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I have been on Cilift for +/-6 months due to extreme irritability, anger etc. I don't really like the person I'm becoming on Cilift either. Does anyone else feel, aside from the obvious weight gain, that is makes you feel "distant" and "removed" from people around you? As for intimacy - no way!! I think I would prefer to go off it and see if I feel better inside - what is the general thought aboout Cilift - can it make you feel worse?

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Thanks for this thread and good answers. I have been on 20mg one tablet per day for 6 months, and decided to stop last week when my 6 month script ended. After 3 days of not taking it, I started feeling so dizzy, vertigo and nauseous, and it feels like little electric currents shooting in my head around the eyes/forehead area. Only relief is when I am lying down. I had no idea why I was feeling these symptoms until I googled and found this thread.

I have asked my doctor to renew my script, and I will try stop the correct way, by reducing the dose as mentioned here.

I'm glad I;m not going mad..... was really worried, so thanks for the comments.

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I have been on cilift since the beginning of the year and it helped me a lot in the first few months. I lost a lot of weight in the beginning as I was struggling to eat but have now added most of it back on. I ran out of cilift a few days ago and forgot to reorder and feel very dizzy and unable to concentrate. Also EXTREMElY tired .

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can you take cilift and trepiline at the same time?

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Ek was op Cilift vir 12maande en het al die newe effecte gehad van dag een af. Ek is nou vir n week van dit af en voel ek wil my kop verloor. Ek is naar, duislig kry angs aanvalle en het met die tyd oor die 10kg op getel. Hoe lank moet dit nog vat voordat ek weer n normale lewe kan he. Ek wens ek het nooit op die goed gegaan nie!!! As iemand soortgelyke effekte gehad het laat weet my hoe lank ek nog so moet aan karring.

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I've been on Cilift for a couple of years now, tried to leave it but couldn't cope, so I went back onto it again, I use only a half in the mornings now. it safe to use it if you want to become pregnant?

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I have used Cilift now for 3 months: I have put on 8Kg and I have pins and needles in my body and pains in my chest

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I went on cilift about a year ago. the doctor told me it was not habbit forming but my meds ran out a while ago so I thought I would try to stop using. my head felt like crackers had been lighted inside of it. i lasted three days... i dont want to be on meds forever. i am now using 5htp with cilift, 5htp is not a replacement for cilift. taken together i feel very calm... as i am a teacher i can easily keep track of my responses. i think I am going to wean myself off cilift during the holidays...

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Was on Cilift for 3years and weaned myself off as advised by doc...took 3 weeks to ween myself off. It is now day 10 of not taking anything and I feel terrible!!! Dizzy ALL the time! feels like the top part of my head (above forehead) is pounding..not sire just a funny feeling....anyone else experience this? If so, how long did it take for this to go away?

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I have been on 10mg cilift for 7 months and have just stopped cold turkey. On day 3 could not seem to warm up today and felt dizzy at times. I went off it because I become more angry and increasingly aggressive on it. My psycologist said it's main effect was to allow you to feel your feelings rather than be numb and distant. Not so sure.

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I weaned myself off cilift because of the weight gain and starting taking 5HTP. It has been great for my appetite but my moodiness and aggressive behaviour has returned. Has anyone tried taking both at the same time?

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Ek het n man wat al 5mnde op Cylift is. Kan Cylift die oorsake wees van sy uitbarstings(humeur). En gaan Cylift hom help met sy opvleendheid? Dr, se hy moet nog vir 6mnde daarop bly. Ek sien geen verandering in sy humeur nie.

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Yes, very important not to just stop immediately, some of the posts got excellent advice on weaning.
Good luck. Why do you want to stop?

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please tell me the withdrawel symptoms of stopping Cilift immediately without weaning myself off. Is this dangerous, or do i need to wean.?

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Hi all, i first started on cipralex during my pregnancy for about a year, then went onto cilift 20mg and have been on this tab for 2 months now. some mornings i forget to take the tab and get extremely dizzy during the day. I have now decided that i will be weaning myself off the tabs, however i prefer myself when im on the tabs... if i find there's a change in myself once i have weaned myself off, i will then resort to 5HTP which has been recommended by many of you and by a close friend.

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I was on Cilift about 4 months ago for a period of 3 months only. The initial stages of Cilift werent that much fun - makes you anxious, bruxism etc - but after a week or two, its great. It really helped me alot.

After about 3 months of use, i started forgetting about it - Id drink one here, and then a week later etc. I was lucky not to have the side effects Im reading about.

My only conclusion would be that it does depend on how much you took and the time you took it for.

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Thanks Mark....I'll try that.

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My doc told me that when I want to stop taking it(was on a 1 a day regimen), I should start taking 1 every 2 days for a week, then 1 every 3 days for a week and 1 every 4 days..etc till it's 1 per week, then I probably can stop without any withdrawal symptoms

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