Cilift Withdrawal Symptoms And What To Do (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I feel i am going mad! The only way I can explain how I feel is to say that it feels like vertigo - when you go over a very high bridge or look down from a very tall building. This wave comes from nowhere causing a momentary blackness, my arms go numb from my elbows to my hands and my feet do the same, I then get this awful feeling of butterflies in my chest and stomach. After a while it passes but it certainly doesn't seem to be going anywhere fast. How long will this go on? I am on Homeopathic treatment at moment.

113 Replies (6 Pages)

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I was on cilift for 2 years, went cold turkey now for 2 months, cilift made me put on 10 kg's. Am loosing now, 5http is the best replacement no side effects.

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I took my very first (half a pill) of cilift yesterday, and thought I better do research, I did come across something about preganacy, and that cilift can seriously damage the babies lungs however this may not be correct so I suggest you speak to your GP about it though.

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Started off on 1 tab Cilift to overcome a traumatic experience 8 months ago and recently reduced to half a tablet. I can't bear suffering all the weaning off side-effects everyone mentions here... any advice on how to gradually phase out Cilift whilst introducing 5HTP?

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hi all
I am 32 and have just started on Cilift, and i feel like there's a breeze in my head after taking it, and when i do not take it, or i get tired after a long day at work, i feel dizzy and as irritable as a wild animal, i really do not like this coz i hav e a very bubbly 4 year old who like to play with me and does not know her mom is so sick, what shall i do?

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People please assist me with identifying a good therapist, or psychiatrist, around Mpumalanga region in south africa, i really need a good one, i think my case has worsened.

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I was taking Cilift for 6 months and decided to go cold turkey too. I must admit I also feel weird even now. Funny eyes, alittle spaced out and it occurs mainly in the afternoons. How long is this feeling going to last? I thought by now it'd be all over. I am not prepared to go back onto it either even if it is only to wean myself off.

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Thank you Debbie, i will discuss with my doctor.

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Hi Justine
Did you manage to speak to your doctor regarding the stressam? Are you feeling a bit better?

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I have been on Cilift for 6 months and just went through a 13 week period to withdraw from it. Yes, that is correct - you need to follow a specific withdrawal schedule of 13 weeks. I obtained the schedule from my Pharmacist. I experienced the same symptons that are menitioned here - especially the weight problem. I picked up 7 kg during this process! I have decided never, ever to use this product again.

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I have just been put on cilift. I got it yesterday and I feel so discouraged now that I have read all the comments. Should I give it a try or not. I'm suppossed to take it for 6 months.

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I have had a very good experience with Cilift. It was the ONE anti-depressant that did not give me any funny side-effects. I recommend for you to use it. It is the least invasive medication for this application that I know.

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hi. I just left cilift. Im on my 3 day and i feel bad. I was on it for 6 months. One tablet a day. I have headaches. I feel dizzy and nasious all the time. And i get hot flashes. How long will this keep up?

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Hi, u're not supposed to stop suddenly. Reduce to half a tablet for a few weeks, then half every second day and so on until u gradually wean yourself off. Take care & good luck!

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I have been on Cilift for almost 6months and have decided to stop using it. I started off taking half a tablet my first 14 days, then it went up to 1 tablet daily, after about 3weeks of using 1 tablet I moved my dosage up to 2tablets daily. Being a recovering alcoholic I found that Cilift was a tremedous help for me coping with everything in my new "real life" situation. But now I have decided to stop using Cilift. It has been 4 full days now, I will have dizzy spells and feel nauseas also a bit teary. I do understand that I will go trough withdrawll, but any advice on what to expect and maybe what to do in my situation will be great!! Thanks!

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I never used antidepression meds before until I started with Cilift 6months ago. I have to say that it helped me trough the most difficult time of my life and I do recommend it, although I have decided to stop using it, but that is for my own personall reasons. Everyting said, it worked for me... Good luck!

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taking any depression medicine while pregnant is not safe.

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since being on Cilift I have experienced occasional but now more frequent bouts of intense nausea. My surgeon thinks possible Vegas nerve problem. Maybe seratonin deficiency in gut. Anyone with silimilar issues?

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I know exacty how you are feeling. I've weaned off and I'm crying and angry and I have put on so much weight. My head feels very dizzy tho and its my second week with no tabs. I do feel like I'm going mad. It just shows you what poison we have put in our bodies. Good luck everyone

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I have been taking cilift for 5months now and my dr decided to start me on Lexamil no longer cilift, do u think this will help me?

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