Chicken Pill (Page 5)


i want wider hips and a larger glute....what can i take to make this a reality

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My spouse is Jamaican so I have access to them in Jamaica. The Powder comes in packets and it lasts for 1 month. My source is from St. Mary, Jamaica which is in the countryside. It's more accessible to the folks there because most raise animals.

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Hi, could you help me out with some questions I have? How much does it cost? How is it used? Also how quickly does it begin to work? If you could get back to me soon id really appreciate it. {edited for privacy}. Thanks.

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I also wanted to try it but I'm afraid of blowing up like a balloon!!!

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How much do they cost,do they have any side-effects & how long shud you wait to see the results

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Hi. How can I purchase them? I have been trying to find out about their availability.

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Hi. I live in Jamaica and I desperately need these pills. Please inform me about their availability.

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After doing some research on what these pills really contain, I honestly wouldn't want to give them to my worst enemy; let alone help someone use it for a bigger bust.

Apparently the pills also contain arsenic in order to help stimulate the appetite of the chickens. But unfortunately if a human were to consume them, it could cause a severe health hazard. Arsenic is known to be a cumulative poison, and once enough of it builds up in your system it can become cancerous as well; eventually leading to other health problems or death.

If you want to improve your physique, my advice would be to make more natural changes to your daily diet and exercise habits first, before adding supplements. You could even try adding more chicken to your diet for some extra protein. I generally make a point of staying away from hormone-fed chicken, but cheaper grocery stores tend to carry more of those brands if that's what you're looking for without the added arsenic.

I hope this helps!

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How can one use the chicken pill powder for big butt and thighs

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Where can I find the chicken pills to buy and how much do they typically cost?

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Re: dania (# 74) Expand Referenced Message

Where did you purchase the pills?

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Where can I get the chicken powder?

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