Cherifer Vitamins Effect
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I've been using the Cherifer pgm 10-22 for four days, and after 20 minutes of taking it, I get stomach aches. I drink it after eating and the stomach pain is like the pain you experience when you are food poisoned. Am I doing it the right way?

14 Replies

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I've been taking cherifer after meal for five days but never experienced stomachache. The problem is, I couldn't feel any drowsiness. And when it's time to sleep, I was having a hard time.

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Can I drink root beer after I take Cherifer? I just can't handle the taste of it so I want to drink something that can take away the awful taste of the pill.

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Re: Gab (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. I just read somewhere that milk impedes with the effects of cherifer because the calcium would "overwhelm" the iron or zinc in the supplement. Not sure though but hope it can help.

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Re: Gab (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

i think youre right
i experience it the same way as you did
but today is my first try
i feel stomachache after drinking it

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Re: Verwon (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Hi po, I Am 15 years old and I'm taking the Cherifer PGM 10-22, and I already experience that because I eat a meal first before taking the vitamin. Can I try to drink the vitamin first before taking a meal because it really hurts my stomach after a meal and taking that supplement. Thank you for the reply.

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Re: gelli (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I dont know but I've been taking it when I'm full after eating so that it'll digest in my stomach the same thing as the food I ate. I hope this info. helped you and get well soon if you have any problems.

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Hi Celeste! I've been taking it for almost a year now. And at first I also have stomach pain and wanting to throw up often just like today. I've been throwing up for a week now so I think the reason behind it is that I drink the Vitamins after I eat a full meal. But to be sure go and see a doctor??

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Itong cherifer na ito ay nakakatulong talaga dahil ang height ko dati 5'0 ngayon 5'5
Im a 12 year old then affected

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Hi, I am also experiencing this whole thing and I just wanna recommend this one thing that I do to prevent that "sick feeling", after meal I am using a strong drink as an alternative to water, for example soft drinks. You should also take the softdrink first then the pill so that you won't taste it nor smell it. This works on me, I hope this will too to all of you.

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Is cherifer can affect our health? Or any problems with it?

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Yes, it is normally recommended that you take is just before a meal, but due to its potency, the NIH warns that it may cause nausea, as a side effect, due to its potency.

If you try taking it, before a meal, and it doesn't help, you may need to speak to your respective doctors about trying a different medication.

You should also be aware that if you are already an adult, over 18, this supplement will not likely help you to grow any taller.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Re: Gab (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

is taking cherifer pgm with zinc with an empty stomach will harm me??

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Hi Celeste I already feel that right now.I drink cherifer pgm 10-22 after meal and I notice that it was wrong.So we must drink it before we eat our meal.So that we can prevent the pain in our stomach .

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Hi Celeste,
You are not alone, I myself, experiences the same discomfort when drinking Cherifer PGM with Zinc 10-22 , I noticed that the pain intensifies (feeling of like bitter stomach and wanting to throw up), specially if I drink it after having a Meal or drinking milk. I also noticed that my sleep is deep when taking the supplement but I easily wake up or is having some kind of sleep disturbance.
and not to mention darker complexion and pimples.,
but I guess this are the signs that your body is already producing growth hormones,

From months of taking this Supplement and to Avoid any discomfort I drink it with an empty stomach or before I eat a full meal. but i make sure that i will eat or take something after drinking it. I guess the reason for our upset stomach, is because it is not easily absorbed specially if your already full, meaning it is stacked in our stomach and since food takes time to be digested, the Pill leaks its contents in our intestine wall rather that being absorbed in the stomach.

I don't Know if it will work for you since we have different body structure but i hope it helps you in some way.

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