Changing My Dosage (Top voted first)


I am taking 30 mg mscontin 3X a day with a lot of break thru pain. How bad would it be if I took (2) 30 mg 2X a day

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my doc prescribed 30mg MS Contin 3X a day. I am having a lot of break thru pain, and I thought I might take (2) 30 mg 2X a day?

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Have you consulted your doctor about this?

MS Contin contains the active ingredient Morphine, which is a narcotic analgesic and a sudden doubling of your dosage could be dangerous.

It will increase the risk of side effects, such as nausea, drowsiness, constipation and dizziness.

However, the most worrisome is the depression of the central nervous system, which can result in a lowered rate of breathing, slower heart rate and lowered blood pressure.

That is actually how most overdose accidents happen, so I wouldn't advise doing so, without your doctor's approval.


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