Chanelle Trimethoprim
UpdatedHi I started taking trimethoprim 200mg twice a day for 7 days for a uti 2 days ago, I got a severe headache straight away which I never get,the next day I never took the meds but I started to feel very sick like I wanted to throw up all day couldn't eat and felt seriously dehydrated,it felt as though I was withdrawing I also woke up in the middle of the night pouring sweat and shaking badly for about an hour straight.ok so now this morning I took the tablet again and I feel fine not sick anything but yet I'm very drousy just want to sleep,the strange thing iv noticed is that when you don't take it u withdraw badly but ur not tired and when you do take it ur soo tired you can't move very strange meds!I'm going to book apptmt with my GP asap!
1 Reply
Hi, Chanelle!
I'd suggest contacting your doctor for an alternative medication to take.
On top of the side effects, taking a break from it allows the bacteria that has caused the infection to reproliferate and develop resistance to the antibiotic.
How are you doing now? Has there been any improvement in the infection?
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