Chances Of Falling Pregnant After Nuristrate And Not On Period
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Is it possible to fall pregnant without your period after nuristrate

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what must I do to become pregnant after nuristrate

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I want to know if I can get pregnant while I'm on Nusitrate

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I had my last shot of nuristrate on the 9th of April my next one is on de 4th of June ( 3rd time takin it), i had intercourse on the 24th of May (7 days bfor my next shot) and im spotting. what are the chances of me falling pregnant?

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Well ever since I started wit nuristrate 3 yrs ago my periods haven't been normal,I can be on my periods 4 a mnth,week or even days,so recently I was on my periods but the blood wasn't red it was brown,I bled 4 a whole mnth, 3 weeks ago I had intercourse during my (brown blood) period,days l8r,I feel like vomiting,I've got severe bck pain,shortbreath sometyms then stomach cramps,is it possible dat I might be pregnant even though I'm on nuristrate?

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Had intercourse wen my bby ws 2mnths so Is there a chance of getting pregnant

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i stoped nuristrate 3months ago and had a normal periods,i recently had unprotected intercourse but the prego is negative. i need a baby asap

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So what's the advice of getting back my period

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There is a slight chance, if you are still ovulating, but it isn't very likely.

In most cases, if you aren't having your period, then you aren't ovulating, which means there is no egg available each month to be fertilized.

Have you had your hormone levels tested? You may be too low in progesterone, so it may need to be supplemented back. The short period of using the Nuristrate may not have been enough to do it.

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